Kinect in my opinion is something innovative; however the system will get some competitors on the market. And I’m not talking about Sony Move. I could compare Sony Move with the WiiMote but not with Kinect.
Kinect (aka Project Natal) gives you full liberty, while with the WiiMote and Sony Move you still have a controller. However, I’m sure Sony will have a device like the one developed by Microsoft next year. I could compare Kinect with the iPad.
Something new is welcomed but not necessarily good. Will I buy it? Yes!
Why? Curiosity and that’s all. But only after I see what games it will be compatible with.
I don’t intend to spend this amount of money to cook or dance or whatever…I want to see some REAL games! ϊ I already have an Xbox 360 so…all I have to do is to upgrade it to a version compatible with Kinect. I know what an Xbox 360 can do.
If I am excited? Yes! Aren’t we all?
As I’ve said, it’s something I never tried before, however the price amazed me. I was expecting to pay at least $ 600 for this device. Nice move Microsoft!
Kinect in my opinion is something innovative; however the system will get some competitors on the market. And I’m not talking about Sony Move. I could compare Sony Move with the WiiMote but not with Kinect.
Kinect (aka Project Natal) gives you full liberty, while with the WiiMote and Sony Move you still have a controller. However, I’m sure Sony will have a device like the one developed by Microsoft next year. I could compare Kinect with the iPad.
Something new is welcomed but not necessarily good. Will I buy it? Yes!
Why? Curiosity and that’s all. But only after I see what games it will be compatible with.
I don’t intend to spend this amount of money to cook or dance or whatever…I want to see some REAL games! Ï? Š I already have an Xbox 360 so…all I have to do is to upgrade it to a version compatible with Kinect.
I know what an Xbox 360 can do. If I am excited? Yes!
Aren’t we all? As I’ve said, it’s something I never tried before, however the price amazed me. I was expecting to pay at least $ 600 for this device.
Nice move Microsoft! :)
I already have an Xbox 360 so…all I have to do is to upgrade it to a version compatible with Kinect. I know what an Xbox 360 can do. If I am excited?
Aren’t we all?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.