I think there is reason for concern, but at this point to be worried is a bit far fetched. I think more information needs to come out about this before anyone should be in a state of panic. Everyone thought the swine flu was going to be the next great epidemic in this country.
Well, the statistics on that matter refuted that. Many more people contract and die from the flu every year, which by the way is either avian or swine, than the swine flu and the numbers weren't even close. So with the NDM-1, everyone should just relax, pay attention to the news about this and really concentrate on the facts and not all the hype and fear about this.
If or when there is something to be fearful of, then we all have to make sure we take the necessary precautions. Until then, I think everyone should just relax.
For the average healthy person I’m sure there is no cause to panic but I am very concerned about NDM-1 but not to the point of being worried, YET. I have psoriasis and I take medications that suppress my immune system so I have to be concerned about anything of this nature. For me the common cold could turn out to be deadly.
Something as simple as a scratch could become infected and cause me serious problems. So, in my case NDM-1 is absolutely cause for concern. I also have three granddaughters who were all born premature and have various health issues.
All of my grand children managed to contract H1N1 and everyone made it through. So, maybe they are more resilient than I give them credit for. My son and I escaped the H1N1 virus, thank goodness.
I am a bit worried about the {{NDM-1 Superbug. I have two kids and in my head I have gone over different scenarios that may occur with the NDM-1 Superbug. If it becomes an epidemic, I will keep my kids in the house until it passes.
I will go to the grocery store with a mask on and stock up on tons of food. Hopefully we will be ok financially and my spouse can take some time off work. I guess what urks me is that people go to work sick and often tend to send kids to school sick, so can this spread like crazy?Yes.
I do not think any of us should go into panic mode now. But we can do things to build our immune system. We can start practicing better hygiene and teach the kids to wash their hands more often, cover your mouth when you sneeze.
These are good habits to get into anyways. flickr.com/photos/sirpurple/98731791.
Conceptually, the idea of a superbug or any bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics seems a bit frightening, but the facts that I’ve seen really don’t make me think there is much cause for concern. Overall, the data that I have seen seems to indicate that around 200 people have been infected with NDM-1 worldwide. On top of that, many of these people were exposes in hospitals in Southeast Asia.
Beyond that, it does not appear to have spread widely or easily between people and as a result, I’m really not worried at all. At this point, I’ll just continue to try to follow proper hygiene and avoid surgery in Southeast Asia and I think I’ll be okay.
Concerned, yes, worried, no. At least, not yet. If I was planning on visiting any of the areas where we are led to believe this infection is running riot and killing thousands, I would not go.Similarly.
If I had to spend time in a hospital where the infection was known to have surfaced, I would be most reluctant to do so. It's a little difficult to distinguish between the facts and the hype at present, so there is no point in worrying until we know what we are worrying about. Having said that, I think the potential is there for this to be a particularly nasty infection as it appears that this one has the capability to turn any other bug into a superbug by making them all impervious to known antibiotics.
On this basis, it could well be extremely serious.
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