As an employee what do you owe your Employer?What does your Employer owe you?

Companies seem to want die for your company loyalty,but when it comes to treating the employees,they shrug and say tough thats just business. Asked by Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago Similar questions: employee owe Employer Business.

As an Employee I would owe my Employer a good days work for a good days paycheck. It always amazed me how people that work in an office (not self employed at home) seem to spend hours and hours on social websites. How is that not cheating your Employer?

As an Employer I would treat my employee fairly and not think my position is to sit and do nothing while they bust their butts. I would be a hands on Employer. (uh, maybe that did not sound right) :)ALSO STOP THE PERSONAL PHONE CALLS ALL DAY LONG!

That goes for Employer and Employee. As an Employer I would also bend the rules more for an employee that did her job, kept off the phone chatting all day and showed up every day without fail. Those are the types of employees that when they are having personal problems the Boss will go out of his/her way to give that employee time off to settle things at home.

Thank you LouLou,for two things answering the whole question,and a very honest opinion. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

The employee owes the employer a full day's labor, no screwin' around. The employer owes the employee pay for a full day's labor.

The employee owes it to the company to do the job the employee agreed to do, and the company owes it to the employee to pay what they agreed to pay, and to not try to expand the job beyond the original scope of work, without also expanding the compensation. That said, the employee owes it to HIMSELF to not cut his own throat by working for less than the job is worth.

True. Thanks TLW. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Do for your boss what you would want an employee to do for you if you were boss. And vice versa.

Good advice.Thanks. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

I used to get a free (frozen) Christmas turkey from ram Walker when I was in my late teens and worked at their plant in Walkerville, in Windsor area. Jpg.

I forgot to add, after Christmas everybody was laid off until same time next year, short but sweet employment. ;-) .

I think that an employer owes a great deal to an employee. An employee gives more that just a fixed time…he gives an infinite number of alternatives that he loses when he chooses one of them for a particular employer.

Thanks for the reply. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Some employers have a better understanding of how to treat people to get the best attitude and productivity. They seem to know how to create a good environment for their people. Others are irresponsible in that respect and shouldn't be in charge at all.

I think the answer is 'fairness' is what employer owes an employee and and employee owes the employer. Basic human respect and decency go a long way in such a relationship, on both sides. The employer should understand that without employees, they have no company.

They are the ones that set the standard of behavior. They cannot mistreat their employees and realistically expect to get the most productivity and loyalty from them.

Thank you Skylight as always very well said. Squeeky-changes-suck 6 months ago .

Does an employer have to sign a garnisher order to deduct from employee salary.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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