Similar questions: ASKVILLE QUESTIONS Askville extend question answer limit past.
No! I don’t think it is a good idea for a few reasons. You may always ask the same question and that is what has already been suggested by Askville and is included in their FAQ.
There is always DB and people can discuss their opinion there. If people have new thought to say I think most people (specially those who have been here longer) are willing to share their opinion in DB! There are a lot of questions that are either factual or are seeking for help.
The answer is a few lines and almost all correct answers are the same so even 5 answer slots are not necessary. However I think it would be helpful if Askville could think about a way that question asker could add a few new answer slots! (Maybe 2?!
) I am not sure how this could be done. Maybe the asker could pay for every new slot that he adds?! Sources: personal opinion!
No. Five is plenty. Five answers is enough for diversification, for answers to complement one another and truly help the questioner and the community.
However, you still want to maintain some spirit of competion, and that will fade as you increase the numbers. If someone wants to provide more information after a question is closed, they can always enter the discussion. The best thing a questioner can do to get good and complete responses is to make accurate use of several topics..
I think that the five-answer limit works well and should be left as it is. There probably are some very good answers that don’t make the cut but I would rather have that than have the questions hanging there in limbo for a long period of time. The good thing about the current set up is that if a question fills up very quickly with answers then the questioner can always go back and repeat the question if they want some more answers.
I have noticed several people doing that and it works very well. As for me if I get to a question that I have some pertinent information about after it has closed I just add my two cents in the discussion area. Either way the questioner can always get more than five answers and I really think that the five answer limit works well and keeps things flowing nicely so I would leave it as is.
Sources: my opinion .
Let's go for ten. Over my time here on Askville, I've asked a number of questions in which I truly needed something very factual. It is most frustrating if you want some information to have your question answered by people who say up front that they really don't much about the topic, but.... I'd be in favor of broadening the answer limit for that exact reason.
There is nothing magical about ten except that is five doubled and that seems like a good place to start. If you don't like ten, take your pick from the choices below.
Yes But only if the previous answers are visible after the first 5. I see lots of answers that are wrong or incomplete that somebody could add to or correct later.
What does it say about a Question and Answer site like Askville..
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.