(Detail: 10 points) ASSUMING GOD EXISTS: Why would he leave so much evidence to the contrary?

Don't dump a guy because he doesn't fit your mold of you're perfect man..because thats not what you're "soulmate" is. He's not going to be perfect but this is what he's supposed to be... He's supposed to be that guy that you get into a huge fight with but you still want to talk to him anyways. He's that guy that when you're feeling really down he's by your side trying to cheer you up.

He's that guy that when you get a text or call from him you find yourself smiling for no reason. He's the guy that you can hold hands with or hug and it just feels "nice". His kiss isn't going to make you see sparks or feel something earth shattering but what it is gonna do is make you not want to kiss any other guy.. because you want him to be the one you kiss every night.

I don't believe in soul partners, but I do believe in love. You're never going to find a perfect person for you. No matter who you are with there will be fighting and pain and difficult times.

But if it is truly love, it will endure through all of that. I kinda believed in it for a bit, but it was destroyed. This is just from my expierence, but NEVER, EVER think anyone is perfect for you... You will fall in love with them and think you two are perfect, then if the relationship fails and you guys break up, you will either be devastated.

Or you will be on the recieving end of the break-up and you will feel incapable of loving anyone else. Hope this helps in some way.

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