Congratulations Redgold, Kerryk and Mithrandir! I rocked out an excel sheet when I was busting out the tasks for the last contest. I modified it a bit and punched in the top 10 from this contest.
It took me longer than 20 minutes each for certain, then again the kids and cats often disrupt me! I really enjoyed this, it gave me a sense of self-worth, as I don't work outside of the home due to disability. It makes me feel good to earn some money.
Congratulations to everyone!
Wow! Way to go @redgold! You and the other contestants did fantastic work.
Each page got better and better! I can't wait to see what happens with the next barnraising!
Congrats to all participants in this second barnraising contest. Special congratulations to @Redgold and @Kerryk, who rightfully deserve their first and second place. Now for my third place speech: Special thanks go to my Mahalo for making this contest possible, the QC team who have supported us all by providing excellent feedback on our sometimes imperfect submissions, and still found room to be complimentary and encouraging.
I want to thank my family who had to endure me spending all this time behind my PC looking up old, strange Japanese movies, and apologies for my neglect, I'll make it up to you. I love you all. Thank you!
Ok, serious now: If you followed this competition, you might know I have some gripes with how the competition is currently set up. I'll post them here. If Lon, or any of the Mahalo staff is interested in discussing them in more detail, I am more than willing to do so.1.
I found that I was severely slowed down by the belt level limit, in combination with the time difference between me (Netherlands) and the Mahalo offices (USA). Effectively, this meant I could do at the most ten tasks a day (two sets), where I could easily have done 25 a day, and possibly more. This was especially true in the first days of the competition, when I was still a green belt, which limited me to four concurrent tasks.As I experienced things, the competition was more defined by the speed at which the QC team could check our results, than our actual working speed.
2. This second contest well over twice as long, and ranged twice as much tasks. However, first prize was only half of that from the first round.
This is balanced by the fact that #4 - #10 now also got a prize, but still, the award for doing as much as Redgold did, is relatively low.3. There is no real, apparent 'how-to' on performing the tasks. This caused me to do a lot of trial an error, which must have been a burden on the QC team too.
Only today I found a mahalo page that described how to use the wikitext codes. It would have been very helpful if this was posted somewhere in the task itself.4. Technical errors: I've experienced quite some of these.
At some point, a task was 'stuck' for a couple of days. I couldn't see it, couldn't complete it, nor abandon it. Especially with the belt level limits, this limits your progress even further.
Also some of my tasks weren't properly approved/credited, something which was only detected because I carefully keep track of my earnings, and because I never received a 'task completed' email. Lon and his tech team were able to fix most of the problems within a few days or even faster, but still... That's it for now. Quite a list, but I want to emphasize that I freely joined in the competition, and I still liked it a lot, even though I sometimes I was fighting the system, instead of the competition.
I am happy with my earnings, 63 x M$2 plus M$50 is quite a sum. You might see me again in one of the future contests (depending on the conditions), and I'll definitely be around the site... Thanks for enduring my rants, now lets go to the after-party! I heard there are some great looking chicks there!
Great job, everyone! The movie pages were lots of fun. I will now be stepping aside for someone else to clear the next task.
Great job guys! I am so impressed with how many tasks were completed in this Barnraising. Y'all better watch out when the sales and coupon one comes up, though.
I'm in it to win it! :).
Hats off to all people on the list! To @Redgold, @Kerryk, and @Mithrandir - outstanding! Well done, everyone!
Congratulations to all the winners! I'm gonna have to give this a try the next time around! - DNatureofDTrain.
Thanks, I was happy to be a part of this one and will continue to work on more movie tasks that are left. Congrats to all the winners.
Congratulations to the top TEN members and to everyone who put in hard work and hours into the Mahalo Barnraising contest! Super job. Anyone can win, so all you newbies out there or your 'old' guys - give it a try!
Fabulous job everyone! Congratulations to the winners, you all truly deserve it!
Congrats to all the winners :) It is just fun to learn how to work on these tasks. You guys must do it alot faster than I am able to. Great work!
I am a newbie here.. I am unable to understand this question. What is Barnraising competition?
As I experienced things, the competition was more defined by the speed at which the QC team could check our results, than our actual working speed. This second contest well over twice as long, and ranged twice as much tasks. However, first prize was only half of that from the first round.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.