Baseball is the most boring sport ever. What rule changes could be made to make it more interesting?

Baseball is the most boring sport ever. What rule changes could be made to make it more interesting? Its so slow...I'm a hockey fan, so like things fast-paced.

If you were in charge, how would you change things up to make it more fun? Asked by bippee_not_here_much 18 months ago Similar questions: Baseball boring sport rule made make interesting Sports & Recreation > Baseball.

Similar questions: Baseball boring sport rule made make interesting.

Speed up pitches Make the pitcher pitch faster. Don't let batter step out of batters box as often.

Baseball is a game that some people like and others don't. I happen to love the game and that may be because I played a lot of it and understand it. It is not a game for people who want fast paced action just like hockey isn't a game for people who like to relax.

Baseball is a social event with plenty of time between pitches and innings so friends can have a good chat. Aren't you glad there is baseball, hockey, football, basketball, soccer and scores of other athletic games so people can enjoy the sport they like and ignore any they don't like? .

2 I agree with you, but I think football is just as bad. My way of fixing it is just not to watch it! .

I agree with you, but I think football is just as bad. My way of fixing it is just not to watch it!

4 totally agree. What if they removed all the antics the pitcher goes through. Once the catcher throws the ball back the pitcher has 3 seconds to throw a pitch.

When they change pitchers the new pitcher has 30 seconds to get from the bullpen and throw his first pitch. On an out, the pitcher has 10 seconds to throw the next pitch - make the whole team hustle. The 7th inning stretch makes no sense to me - that would be gone too.

Totally agree. What if they removed all the antics the pitcher goes through. Once the catcher throws the ball back the pitcher has 3 seconds to throw a pitch.

When they change pitchers the new pitcher has 30 seconds to get from the bullpen and throw his first pitch. On an out, the pitcher has 10 seconds to throw the next pitch - make the whole team hustle. The 7th inning stretch makes no sense to me - that would be gone too.

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My dog ate the outside covering of a real baseball! I don't know what they are made out of, therefore am concerned!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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