Boring life boring everyting?

There's nothing wrong with you. All creative, artistic people have felt that way some time around your age (or usually a bit older actually, but you are just a quick developer). We live in a safer world than ever before.

This modern world is anti-nature, anti-self reliance, anti-deep thought. (This is not just complaining, you can read the thoughts of ancient greeks, romans, english and french from 200 years ago, pre-industrial revolution and the 9-5 school/work day and see how much the world has changed.) Those thoughts of an invasion is just your normal, healthy craving for challenges and adventure. When you think about it, human beings have been around for about 1 million years but only in the last 1000 or so has it not been difficult for us to obtain food every day!

Our instincts tell us to seek adventure. So, first of all - you are very normal, albeit in a certain class of people (namely, those who are more in touch with their instincts). Well, I took up a creative hobby and I took it up big time: music.

I dreamed of travelling the world in a rock band, every day it gave me hope. I also read books from other times. They will help you escape to those worlds, and realize that it's not your problem, we just live in a very grey, dull world.

Thirdly, you should learn a foreign language. Every day when you practice that language you can dream of travelling there when you leave school. Any good language course introduces you to the culture of that place too and it's an inspiring thing.

Lastly, make use of social networking to find like minded people. And never forget what "those who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

I feel the same way, wake up - school - home- sleep- repeat. BUT I take every opportunity to make it better. To start with I became a very random and spontaneous person who doesn't take anything seriously, (this earned me some nick names at school -not all were pleasant) I tried to sign up for everything I coud and go for my goals.

(I really wanted to start horse riding so I saved my allowance for two years.) A good example of jumping on opportunities is when a reptile show came to my local fair, I spent like an hour before the show talking to the people and saying how I want to work with animals and stuff and I got invited to co-host the show and help handle the snakes! I did this another time when the zoo had an exhibit at this convention- I talked with the keepers for a while and I wound up getting invited into this program to be an assistant zoo keeper over the summer! I saw a poster for an out- of- school- learning program that will earn me credits over the summer so I jumped on it.

(I am sure there is something like that for you, different local organizations can hold them like cooking schools, conservation centers, and I signed up for one at the zoo) I know there might not be too many options right now but wait til next year, high schools have TONS of programs like these. ALSO I started writing. I can now be whoever I want to be in any place I want, it is a great picker-upper when life seams extra, extra dull.

To sum it all up, jump at every opportunity you can.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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