Doesn't matter if you're kinda chubby. Chubby can be cute, even with a massive bloopy tummy, so long as it is smooth, soft, and you're confident with it, it can be almost any size, still be good looking. Honestly, I know girls with the most adorable muffin tops.
Happy to show them off now and then, and I kinda want my own. That's might just be what comes of spending your whole life severely underweight, I guess, but I'm sure a lot of guys will agree-tummies are cute so long as they're not boney, sinewey, or covered in strechmarks and folds. Some guys are actually into marks and folds, but not me.Anyway.
Go to a reputable place, don't let it get infected, get disinfectant cream (like Savlon) to put on it everyday for a few weeks, once it is pierced. Infected belly piercings are gross... It goes a darkish pink, gets kinda swollen. Sometimes much, much worse Before you get a real one, try on a costume ring or something magnetic, just to see how it feels.
If getting it caught on things, or not being sure you like the look is an issue, it's best to know in advance of, say, paying money and being punctured. If the costume jewellery is enough, well, I guess you've saved yourself a bit of pain Pretty sure you want to be as fat as possible when you get the piercing. Won't hurt so much that way.
Eat a lot of monounsaturated fats, perhaps 2500-3000 cals a day for a couple months before the piercing. You may even grow to like it, who knows? A BMI of 25/26 lives longest, keep yours at least above 20.
I know from experience, you don't wanna be as skinny as me. It's not attractive. If you're not happy being chubby, deal with it AFTER the piercing.
Not before. Much less painful, probably more fun :D.
I'm the same way. I used to be against them, but I changed my mind and got one. Love it!
The main thing you have to realize is that it takes a lot of patience. You have to clean it and do a sea salt soak every single day, and you can't even change belly rings for at least 4 to 6 months. But once you get that out of the way, it really is cool.
Personally, I think it keeps me healthier because I don't eat as much junk food. I want to keep my belly flat! It also looks super cute, and its not trampy.
Just look online at all the ways to clean it and take care of it, and you'll be set. :).
I personally really like them! Even if you're not showing it off all the time, they're still fun to have. I recommend getting one.
For me, it made me feel better about my stomach. And since you're working out, too, it'll look really good on you!
Belly button piercings in my opinion are really nice , not many go wrong and get infected so the likelihood of yours probably won't get infected , don't forget if you don't like it you can always take it out:).
GO FOR IT! They're so cutexD I love mine :) I have two now though, so I stick to small plain bars so it doesn't look like too much. But I love them!
Belly bars are great :D.
Well I had mine done for my 13th birthday in january and its fine honest it dosnt hurt I promise(: just a tiny pinch ,and my advice is deffo don't touch it cuz mine nearly got infected and always cleen it with tea tree oil and this power which theey will tell you to get, you cant go swimming for about a couple of weeks when you've had it becuz its an open wondd thing :L mine cost £18 and with all the stuff too clean it with its all came to about £40-£50 but mine nearly got infected so I needed more oil and stuff, hope that helped :) xx.
Most of the people below me are wrong wrong wrong. I have BOTH my nose and my belly button, and your nose does not hurt that bad. Nose is cartilage!
But one person was right. She does need to wait. If shes 13 her torso is still growing, and she will continue to grow for at least 3 more years.. it will stretch and when she gets about 18+, it will be flpaay and sag, like this >>>
Just how the middle is droopy. Eww.
Because its digusting, unatural, and it looks very bad. Plus your only 13 he is in charge of you until your 18. When your that age, ruin your life.
LOL. Oh, sweetie, you just contradicted yourself & agreed w/ your dad and won for him his argument against you getting your belly buttom pierced. Here's the general rule of these things: if it's a good idea to get your belly button pierced now then it will still be a good idea to do it at 16 when your dad says he will agree to it and it will still be a good idea to do it at 18 when you don't his permission.
If it's slutty to have your belly button pierced at 16 & it sends the message that you are sexually active or willing to have sex as you claim it is, then it's slutty to have it pierced now at 13 as your dad claims it is & it still sends the same message at 13 as it does at 16. Because seriously, if you get it pierced now at 13 are you really going to remove it when you turn 16 because it's suddenly slutty? I say no you won't.
& do you really think your father who thinks a belly button ring is slutty is going to give you his permission when you turn 16? I say no he won't. According to you he described it as "slutty" not "inappropriate for your age".
If he thought it would be appropriate for you at 16, he wouldn't have called it slutty. He's just delaying you and hoping you'll out grow your fascination w/ it & forget about it. If this is something you really want then you need to own it.
Find 3 things about it that are beneficial & present your case to your father. The burden is on you to convince him that this is something you really really want & that it is a good idea for you to get it. You won't win that arguement if you agree w/ him that it's slutty to have at any point in your life over your present age.
Good luck.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.