Best home remedies for panic attacks?

Panic attacks can be quite frightening when they hit. The chest squeezing, feeling faint, cannot breathe and sweating symptoms feel like a heart attack at times. As someone who has suffered from them for over 10 years now, I have learned a thing or two from my therapist and research on the subject.

Meditation has worked great for me at times. It takes practice though, preferably when you are not in panic attack mode. It involves sitting in a totally relaxed position and repeating just one word over and over.

You have to make your mind stay still. That is why practicing when you are not feeling anxious is best. I have also found that just talking to someone about it while in the middle of an attack can really lessen the feeling, but I know there are only certain people you may feel comfortable enough with to open up.

If your panic attack is situational, say when you are stuck in a line somewhere, have a book or magazine or calming music or something handy to try and get your mind on something else. Drinking herbal teas can have a calming effect too. These are only a few ideas on home remedies and every person is different.

The best thing to do is experiment and see what works best for your attacks. Here is a great forum where real sufferers share what works for them:

It takes practice though, preferably when you are not in panic attack mode. It involves sitting in a totally relaxed position and repeating just one word over and over. You have to make your mind stay still.

That is why practicing when you are not feeling anxious is best. I have also found that just talking to someone about it while in the middle of an attack can really lessen the feeling, but I know there are only certain people you may feel comfortable enough with to open up. If your panic attack is situational, say when you are stuck in a line somewhere, have a book or magazine or calming music or something handy to try and get your mind on something else.

Drinking herbal teas can have a calming effect too. These are only a few ideas on home remedies and every person is different. The best thing to do is experiment and see what works best for your attacks.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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