Play her some of their music! I know. I know.
Sounds scary right? Yeah that's what I thought. But here's the songs you should play her: -Morticians Daughter (but TELL HER THE NAME IS "I'm Home Again", something about the word Mortician just makes parents shudder.) -Lost It All -Carolyn -Set The World on Fire -Resurrect the Sun She'll like them way more than their more hardcore stuff.
Next, show her some pictures. Instead of their glam-rock pics, show them these (I'll give you 5, just show her a slideshow of them):
I love them. The name might sound a little creepy at first, but it was really named after nuns. The lead singer grew up in a Catholic school (DON'T MENTION TO HER THAT HE'S NO ATHIEST ;3) and was so touched by the nuns that raised him that he payed his homage to them by naming his band after them.
Nuns go through a cermony going into the church in which they wear a black veil and 'marry' the church, which is where he got the name. BVB stands for standing up to bullys and not getting walked all over. They stand for being who you are and doing what you love as long as it's good and not letting anyone shove you down.
They're about staying strong when you feel like you're losing hope. They're about equality, love, strength, belief. THey're really sweet and really popular."
Tell her that you're not gonna go alone. Tell her that you will keep your room clean, do a few extra chores, keep good grades, AND pay for your ticket(s). Tell her that all she has to do is driive you and you'll be okay.
As to what the concerts are like, tell her this: -They're not crazy mosh pitty, just some people listening to music and dancing.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.