I took this pic at the vatican museum - rome A statue in the Pope's Museum in Rome, italy. I was there two weeks ago and liked its symbolism. What can you tell me about it?
Enjoy the search! Asked by Soulhistorian 30 months ago Similar questions: identify profile pic give insight meaning vatican museum rome Local > Europe.
Similar questions: identify profile pic give insight meaning vatican museum rome.
Your profile picture is Perseus with Medusa's head, from Piazza della Signoria in Florence The bronze statue is by Cellini. Sources: trips2italy.com/Things_To_Do_in_Florence;
1 It could be of the nature of Janus, the Roman two-faced god, and others of a similar character. We have long recognized that man (and woman, eh? ) was at least a dual nature, perhaps one "good" and the other "evil."
Though I have to say the picture seems to be masculine/feminine or perhaps youth/elder. Do you have any further info on it, date, attribution to an artist, or culture? .
It could be of the nature of Janus, the Roman two-faced god, and others of a similar character. We have long recognized that man (and woman, eh? ) was at least a dual nature, perhaps one "good" and the other "evil."
Though I have to say the picture seems to be masculine/feminine or perhaps youth/elder. Do you have any further info on it, date, attribution to an artist, or culture?
Soulhistorian replied to post #1: 4 What I know is that yes, it is Janus and this was a Roman god that was not brought over from the Greek Pantheon. I am more attached to the notion of being able to look into the past and future than one good and the other face evil. I did not notice but agree it has a youth /elder feel.No further info.
One of many statues that is in the Vatican Museum. A great collection of Pre-christian god/desses. Odd that they are there.
But, then again - makes sense.
What I know is that yes, it is Janus and this was a Roman god that was not brought over from the Greek Pantheon. I am more attached to the notion of being able to look into the past and future than one good and the other face evil. I did not notice but agree it has a youth /elder feel.No further info.
One of many statues that is in the Vatican Museum. A great collection of Pre-christian god/desses. Odd that they are there.
But, then again - makes sense.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.