Can I collect unemployment while collecting social security disability insurance?

If you are getting disability, that means you are unable to work. If you are unable to work, then you will not have had a job to collect unemployment from. So, the answer is no.

Don't even try - because if you do, and get caught, you will lose both sources.

This link explains it pretty well. Com/2009/03/how-do-unemployment-benefits-affect-a-social-security-disability-claim.

EDD requires that you be actively looking for employment. If you're "disabled," are you looking for employment? Are you even "active"?

My answer to this question is yes, you can. However, it is complicated. When you file for unemployment benefits with your state labor department, you usually have to say that you are ready, able and willing to work.

When you apply for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits, you’re telling the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you are disabled and can’t work. This seems like a contradiction. In some cases, it is.

However, there are times when people getting unemployment benefits can meet SSA’s definition of disability and get approved for SSDI. At the lower levels of the SSDI application process – the initial level or the reconsideration level of an initially denied application – SSA’s disability determination examiners are likely to interpret collecting unemployment benefits as an inconsistent message. After all, it appears that you are looking for work, but telling SSA you can’t work.

You shouldn’t give up, though.

Can I collect unemployment while collecting social security disability insurance Asked by smakitlove 2 months ago Similar questions: collect unemployment collecting social security disability insurance Politics & Law > Law.

Similar questions: collect unemployment collecting social security disability insurance.

What "TurboB" says is not true. If you collect SSDI you have the option, when you are ready, of trying to get back into the workplace slowly, part-time, and still receive part of your disability benefits. It's part of the recovery phase, getting us back into the workplace slowly to see if we can handle it step-by-step.

When you are collecting disability you are encouraged to make strides to get back into the workforce, that's why they have this program. My disability allows me to work part-time for now, yet collect 'parial' disability check so I can still eat and have a roof over my head while I work on becoming able to work full-time. There is nothing deceptive about it.

Good luck to you my friend.

Can I collect unemployment if on social security disability.

Can you collect social security disability and a retirement check at the same time.

Can I collect unemployment if on social security disability Asked by tia3 12 months ago Similar questions: collect unemployment social security disability Politics & Law > Law.

Similar questions: collect unemployment social security disability.

I am on social security disability and collecting the remaining amount of my unemployment I am trying to find part time work to supplement my disability income, social security says I can work and earn up to 1000.00 per month and not lose any benefits. I asked unemployment if I can collect both they told me yes as long as I am submitting now paper claims to show I am applying for work part time. So it seems it is okay to collect both.

Does everyone else have experience here with this type of thing? Thank you very much for your insight on this. Mary .

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Can I collect unemployment while collecting social security disability insurance.

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