Can I walk in some place and buy chilis locally in southern california?

Ghost chilis Asked by bella73 23 months ago Similar questions: walk place buy chilis locally southern california Society > Paranormal.

Similar questions: walk place buy chilis locally southern california.

The answer, according to Southern California law enforcement: Once a year. The Los Angeles Police Department has hosted the annual “Chili Fly In” for 26 years to honor local air traffic control personnel.At least three Orange County law enforcement agencies — along with several others across Southern California — arrived this year in their department helicopters. The idea is to give local pilots, their command staff and air traffic control workers who spend the year communicating by radio a chance to meet face to face over a bowl of chili.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Huntington Beach and Anaheim police departments were among those attending this year. A helicopter from Airborne Law Enforcement Services, which contracts with several other Orange County cities, also showed up. “It’s important to have those relationships,” Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said.

“If I didn’t think it was important, we would not have gone.”But the trips are drawing fire from the county’s largest employees union, which is asking why the sheriff’s department spent the money to fly top ranking staff members to the event when they’re facing lay offs and more than $60 million in budget cuts next fiscal year. See, the hourly cost to operate the sheriff’s department helicopter is $942, including flight staff and overhead, according to the sheriff’s department. “I think it is a total waste of money and a slap in the face to every employee that’s being laid off,” said Nick Berardino, general manager for the Orange County Employees Association.

“It’s Jaramillo all over again,” Berardino continued, referring to the former Orange County Assistant Sheriff who kept an airplane waiting while deputies took a helicopter to fetch his wife’s purse. Berardino also questioned the need for the five attendees, including Assistant Sheriff Mike llmann and two other top ranking officials. Sheriff’s spokesman John McDonald says the event may have been billed as a party, but in reality, it was “important to keeping the county on the cutting edge of airborne law enforcement.”“One of the things they did up there was flew up and looked at everybody’s equipment, and everybody looked at theirs,” McDonald said.

“The idea is to communicate, exchange ideas, see what everyone else is doing, as well as meeting these air traffic controllers. ”Five sheriff’s employees departed from John Wayne Airport at 10:55 a.m.To attend the event, including the pilot Deputy Dave Tilstra and his observer Deputy Erik Baum. Also on board was who oversees operations command, and Captain Brian Wilkerson and Lieutenant Mike Betzler — both who are newly appointed to jobs overseeing homeland security and special operations, McDonald said.

Before joining the sheriff’s department, llmann was the commander for LAPD’s aviation bureau. Llmann attended the fly-in to introduce the new command staff to the aviation community, McDonald said. “The helicopter is there anyway, and we have pilots who are there to respond,” said Hutchens, who noted that pilot salaries make up a large part of the hourly helicopter operating expense.

Huntington Beach sent four staff members — two pilots and two helicopter mechanics, said Lt. Russell Reinhart. Not including salaries, HB’s helicopter costs $186 per hour to operate.

“To us it’s a working lunch,” said Reinhart, who noted they were at the event for 45 minutes. “We don’t consider the officers unavailable. Anytime they’re having lunch and they get a call, they leave.

” Sources: .

Red Rock Chili Co Expand ‘Hot’ Restaurants in Southern California and Texas! Santa Ana, California – Red Rock Chili Co founders Carol and Paul Collis expand their unique Chili restaurant chain with two new area development agreements in Southern California and, Dallas - Fort Worth, Texas. The Red Rock Chili Co is backed by more than 40 years of combined restaurant management experience, concept refinement, and passion for cooking.

After selling their Two’s Company Café and Catering stores in Old Towne, Orange and Santa Ana, the idea of leaving the restaurant business behind never crossed Carol and Paul Collis’ minds. Literally years-in-the-making, Red Rock Chili Co was launched in December 2002. The first restaurant, a company unit, was established in the Fashion Island Atrium Court, Newport Beach, California.

The second, and first franchised outlet, followed 18 months later in Westfield Shoppingtown, Santa Anita, also in California. Three more Red Rock Chili Co restaurants are readying for opening in Cerritos, Century City and Valencia Town Centre – taking the year end total to five restaurants. With increasing franchise interest Red Rock Chili Co appointed Fransmart to assist franchise organization and expansion.

The new area development agreements in California and Texas promise a further 10 units, taking the restaurant chain to 15 units. More openings are planned. “Now that we are expanding out of the Southern Californian market Red Rock Chili will build a strong position in the West of the Mississippi states, said Carol Collis, co-founder of Red Rock Chili Co.

“The concept is designed for expansion and will attract strong franchisees due to good economics and simplicity of operation. ”What makes Red Rock Chili Company unique are the recipes, developed by Paul Collis, and the 30 years of restaurant management experience of Carol Collis. “Red Rock Chili has a fresh and innovative look that adds an upscale presence to shopping centers,” added Carol.

“In a sea of sandwiches, wraps, Mexican, Chinese and pizza, Red Rock Chili will compliment any center or food court. ”A major characteristic of Red Rock Chili Co is flavor – instead of using the traditional southwestern chilies, Red Rock Chili Company recipes use a bold combination of spices and herbs. Ingredients such as chocolate, vanilla and even butter are used to enhance the unique recipes.It is the “back to basics” approach combined with a flair for flavor and uniqueness that is the foundation of Red Rock Chili Co.

The Red Rock Chili Co menu is set to leave an indelible mark on customers. As co-founder Carol Collis notes:“Whether it's 8 or 80 degrees Red Rock Chili will rock your taste buds and leave you craving for more!”About Red Rock Chili CoThe Red Rock Chili Co restaurant chain was established in Santa Ana, Southern California in 2002. Founded by Carol and Paul Collis, the chain comprises two restaurants in Southern California.

Three further restaurants are due for opening in 2005, and new area development agreements in Southern California and Texas promise an additional10 restaurant. The Red Rock Chili Co provides a hearty, wholesome and truly unique dining experience. A major characteristic is flavor.

Instead of traditional Southwestern chilies, Red Rock Chili Co recipes use a bold combination of spices and herbs. Wild ingredients like chocolate, vanilla and butter enhance already unique, ‘hot’ recipes. For more information contact:Carol CollisRed Rock Chili CoEmail: rrcfranchise@sbcglobal.

NetTelephone: 949-863-1737Company Website: Sources: .

The answer, according to Southern California law enforcement: Once a year. The Los Angeles Police Department has hosted the annual “Chili Fly In” for 26 years to honor local air traffic control personnel.At least three Orange County law enforcement agencies — along with several others across Southern California — arrived this year in their department helicopters. The idea is to give local pilots, their command staff and air traffic control workers who spend the year communicating by radio a chance to meet face to face over a bowl of chili.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Huntington Beach and Anaheim police departments were among those attending this year. A helicopter from Airborne Law Enforcement Services, which contracts with several other Orange County cities, also showed up. “It’s important to have those relationships,” Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said.

“If I didn’t think it was important, we would not have gone.”But the trips are drawing fire from the county’s largest employees union, which is asking why the sheriff’s department spent the money to fly top ranking staff members to the event when they’re facing lay offs and more than $60 million in budget cuts next fiscal year. See, the hourly cost to operate the sheriff’s department helicopter is $942, including flight staff and overhead, according to the sheriff’s department. “I think it is a total waste of money and a slap in the face to every employee that’s being laid off,” said Nick Berardino, general manager for the Orange County Employees Association.

“It’s Jaramillo all over again,” Berardino continued, referring to the former Orange County Assistant Sheriff who kept an airplane waiting while deputies took a helicopter to fetch his wife’s purse. Berardino also questioned the need for the five attendees, including Assistant Sheriff Mike llmann and two other top ranking officials. Sheriff’s spokesman John McDonald says the event may have been billed as a party, but in reality, it was “important to keeping the county on the cutting edge of airborne law enforcement.”“One of the things they did up there was flew up and looked at everybody’s equipment, and everybody looked at theirs,” McDonald said.

“The idea is to communicate, exchange ideas, see what everyone else is doing, as well as meeting these air traffic controllers. ”Five sheriff’s employees departed from John Wayne Airport at 10:55 a.m.To attend the event, including the pilot Deputy Dave Tilstra and his observer Deputy Erik Baum. Also on board was who oversees operations command, and Captain Brian Wilkerson and Lieutenant Mike Betzler — both who are newly appointed to jobs overseeing homeland security and special operations, McDonald said.

Before joining the sheriff’s department, llmann was the commander for LAPD’s aviation bureau. Llmann attended the fly-in to introduce the new command staff to the aviation community, McDonald said. “The helicopter is there anyway, and we have pilots who are there to respond,” said Hutchens, who noted that pilot salaries make up a large part of the hourly helicopter operating expense.

Huntington Beach sent four staff members — two pilots and two helicopter mechanics, said Lt. Russell Reinhart. Not including salaries, HB’s helicopter costs $186 per hour to operate.

“To us it’s a working lunch,” said Reinhart, who noted they were at the event for 45 minutes. “We don’t consider the officers unavailable. Anytime they’re having lunch and they get a call, they leave.

”(This post was updated at 2:45 p.m. Wednesday with information from Anaheim Police Department. )Anaheim Police Department sent a two-man on-duty helicopter crew, which stayed at the luncheon for about an hour.

The helicopter costs about $260 per hour to operate, not including salaries, Sgt. Rick Martinez said. Hutchens points out that the sheriff department helicopter also was available to respond to calls.

In fact, after more than an hour at the party, all five attendees packed the helicopter to respond to a call involving gunshots in Irvine. The sheriff department’s response to that call also was the subject of criticism — this time by Anaheim’s Deputy Police Chief Craig Hunter, who is running against Hutchens for sheriff. Hunter alluded to the Chili Fly-In trip as an example of the sheriff’s “LA centric” governing style during an interview with Red County’s Matt Cunningham.

(It’s worth noting that Hunter inaccurately characterized the fly-in as a swearing in for LAPD’s new chief of police). He went on to accuse llmann of trying to take over the gunshot investigation from the Irvine Police department. Sources: .

Welcome to The Great Chilli Farm - buy chili seeds, learn how to grow your own chillies The Chilli FarmerGrowing Chillis - the recipe for successStarting the Seeds: Chilli seeds germinate at soil temperatures of, 20 - 35C with 30C ideal. Plant the seeds in a moist, not wet sterile potting medium in pots or flats - 1mm deep and - 2mm apart and cover with plastic at least 8 and preferably 10 weeks before the last frost date for your area. Water should be boiled to sterilize it and if it comes from a public water system should sit for a day prior to sterilization to allow chlorine to dissolve.

Once the seedlings are up, remove the plastic cover, but do not let the soil dry out. If the seedlings are allowed to wilt, they may not die, but their growth will be set back. Some of these seeds take a long time to germinate, but they should do so using these instructions.

Transplanting: When the first true leaves (pointed) reach 3/8" to 1/2" wide the seedlings can be transplanted to bigger pots. Soil temperatures should be kept to a minimum of 18 C for fastest growth. Most good potting soils contain some nutrients, but a good non-burning liquid high phosphorous fertilizer can improve root growth which is most important at this stage.

Apply according to package directions about once a week. Phosphorous is the middle number between Nitrogen and Potassium. Hardening Off and Setting Out: About two weeks prior to planting in the garden, begin hardening the plants gradually increasing the amount of sunlight and wind which they are exposed to.

Any good gardening book will explain more about this procedure. Before transplanting, be sure that the soil temperature is at least 17 C. If it is not that high, the blossoms will drop and you'll get leaves, but no chillis.

When transplanting from containers, there will be some root damage which will slow the plants, so try to be as careful as possible. If cutworms are a problem in your area, a paper cup with the bottom cut out, placed around the stem about 1/2" into the ground should protect the stem. Fertilize with high quality fertilizer.

We like to use a balanced one like 15-15-15. Growing and Harvesting: Now that your chilli plants are in the garden, keep them watered, fertilized, protected from the wind, but getting lots of sunshine. Keep a lookout for pests.

The major pests we've encountered are aphids, and they can build up rapidly. You can try organic controls such as liquid dish soap and water, or spray with a chemical such as Diazanon solution only when you see a build-up. Remember to follow label directions and don't harvest until the proper number of days after spraying.

The Diazanon label says five (5) days for chillis. You can harvest your chillis when they are green, but they're so much prettier if you wait until they turn to orange or red or yellow or brown. Growing Indoors: Chillis are actually perennials, which are usually grown as annuals.

This year we intend to grow our chillis which we will move indoors for the winter in pots so we won't have to transplant them in the autumn. Chillis which are moved indoors often lose their leaves. We now have enough information from other gardeners to believe that chillis may be deciduous.

Some of them grow as big as trees and maybe they just lose their leaves like oak trees. Sources: .

Buy chilis locally in southern california the region it comes from is India, so a market that carries Indian groceries might have it. Look for it also with the name bhut jolokia, king cobra chile, naga jolokia, dorset naga, or naga morich, which are alternative names for the ghost chili.....fresh is always better than dried, if you can find it. Source(s):i'm a culinary instructor.

Sources: .

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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