Can not run a program. Gives me an error that it can not proceed to running?

I know that Stack Overflow isn't a code review site, but you may want to consider using variables as indices (rather than constant values of 9 or 10) in the following line.

Runtime Errors Among other things, the following line is going to be a problem. Printf("%c", bk1010); This is past the end of the array. Try printf("%c", bk99); Remember that when you declare bk1010, you can only use indices 0–9.

Likewise, for(k=0;kThink about what could happen to I and j and how that could affect wkij. Int i=0, j=0; for(ch='a';ch.

1 Given the fact that Windows is complaining, not the compiler, a runtime issue such as this seems overly likely. – erisco May 30 '11 at 5:53 no is giving me the same message as before ;( – Sunny May 30 '11 at 5:53 @Sunny Check my edit about the values of k and n (and a and b) – Chris May 30 '11 at 5:54 I changed it to bk99 and for (k=0; k.

I'm not gonna do your homework so I'll give you all the hints, you need to learn C more. Here are all the errors: for(a=0;aPrint_array(walk1010); nt: same as above if(rand()==0) ... else if (rand()==1) ... else if (rand()==2) ... else if (rand()==3) nt: don't you want the range of rand() to be in 0-3 (inclusive) first before checking for equality? Wkij=ch; nt: are you sure the value of I and j is in the range of 0..9?

Printf("%c", bk1010); nt: why not use n and k?

Thank you soooo much... I tried to correct the code... but it is still having a problem..... – Sunny May 31 '11 at 8:51.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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