Try out After you get there and sign up for a free account, start creating a radio station. Add songs and groups that you like to your station. Then when you start listening to your station, Pandora will add other songs to your station that are similar to the music you have there.
They use a pretty advanced system to analyze your choices, and that system does a really good job of selecting new music that you might like. Also does a similar thing. It is not as good as Pandora but it is still really good.
Unlike Pandora that just uses the songs and groups you like as suggestions to how they create your station, with Finetune, when you add a song, it is added to a playlist and it will definitely play the song. Finetune can also suggest other music you may like. A few others that I have not personally tried but a friend of mine uses with some regularity: I would also recommend checking out the radio stations in iTunes.
Finally, iTunes has a genius feature built in that will recommend music that you may like based on your playlist. If you are interested in dance, electronic, ambient, or techno check out Check out At the Nike Plus site, they have a lot of music related stuff and good playlists to run to.It is free to use as well!
Also check out: www.Pandora. Com0 www.Pandora. Com1 www.Pandora.
Com0 www.Pandora. Com1 - an open source music player (recommended by Robbrown) - www.Pandora. Com0.
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