We can spread the NDM-1 through a simple handshake if the person's hand you are shaking is infected or has been infected and perhaps sneezed, wiped there mouth with there hand, etc. I do not think we have to be worried about shaking hands right now if you live somewhere that does not have many cases reported. On the other hand, IF NDM-1 Superbug is a problem where you live, I would absolutely not be shaking hands or even out in public places unless necessary. Hopefully the NDM-1 gets controlled and does not start effecting people worldwide.
Hopefully professionals and media can help contain the Superbug and we can continue shaking hands and being polite. I do not want to see the day where the NDM-1 or some new bug is so bad that we need to stay in our homes and avoid people in general.
Yes, you can get it through close contact of someone who is already infected. ndm-1symptoms.com/superbug-ndm-1-bacteri....
Yes, the NDM-1 superbug can be spread by a simple handshake. If you shake hands with a person whose hands have been contaminated with the NDM-1 superbug, the microbes (bacteria) are automatically transferred to your own hands. If you accidentally put that hand into your mouth, the bacteria will be transferred into your system.
One of the bacteria that has been linked to the NDM-1 superbug is E.coli. These bacteria get into the body through fecal-oral transmission. This is a process by which a person is infected when the feces of an infected person gets into their mouth.So if you shake hands with someone who did not wash his hands after using the toilet, you could get the NDM-1 superbug.
If an infected person sneezes or coughs into his hands, he could also pass the bug to you by a simple handshake. Since it would be difficult to completely avoid shaking hands with people, just be careful not to put your unwashed hands into your mouth or rub your eyes or nose with it.
The superbug caused by the bacterial enzyme NDM-1 can in fact be transferred via handshake, since the palms are a prominent location teeming with bacteria. If these bacteria contain the enzyme, the person on the opposite end could easily come in contact with the superbug as well. It seems that as long as proper hygiene is practiced by the parties engaging in a handshake, the NDM-1 gene should not be able to spread from one person to another via this method of greeting.It would make sense that in any setting that could expose a great number of individuals to each other, such as hospitals, schools, or daycare centers, advanced hygienic measures are taken to prevent contamination and spread of this new superbug.
Currently, one of the most common ways of spreading includes surgery in a hospital that has suffered exposure to bacteria containing the enzyme. Therefore, unless you are in an area in which the superbug has surfaced, you should be relatively safe to shake hands with others. Just ensure that you practice good hygiene before and after any contact with another person or public surfaces.
As long as the person whose hand you are shaking ,does not have NDM-1 or has been in close contact with anyone else who does, I don't see how you could be at risk. From what I have read, the cases that have been identified so far have mostly been contracted in the risky areas of the world where the infection appears to have originated. The other unfortunate victims have contracted NDM-1 from contact with the original patients.
If a hospital has known cases, it is to be hoped that they are increasing preventative methods to stop the spread of this superbug. This has to be a priority or the infection will spread through visitors and staff coming and going. I have looked at many websites and so far have been unable to find out exactly how the infection is passed from one person to another.In our ordinary lives it is certainly a good idea to be much more scrupulous about hand washing, but unless a person has reason to think they have come close to another who has been infected, I can't see how, at present it can be spread easily.
It would also seem to be a good idea to actively discourage, or even ban, the so called medical tourists who are seeking cheaper and very often non essential cosmetic operations. This is how it has reached other countries.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.