Can you buy a home after filing bankruptcy if the current mortgage was not included in the bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy A Chapter 7 bankruptcy (liquidation) does not disqualify a borrower from obtaining an FHA-insured mortgage if at least two years have elapsed since the date of the discharge of the bankruptcy. Additionally, the borrower must have re-established good credit or chosen not to incur new credit obligations. The borrower also must have demonstrated a documented ability to responsibly manage his or her financial affairs.An elapsed period of less than two years, but not less than 12 months, may be acceptable if the borrower can show that the bankruptcy was caused by extenuating circumstances beyond his or her control and has since exhibited a documented ability to manage his or her financial affairs in a responsible manner.

Additionally, the lender must document that the borrower's current situation indicates that the events that led to the bankruptcy are not likely to recur A Chapter 13 bankruptcy does not disqualify a borrower from obtaining an FHA-insured mortgage provided the lender documents that one year of the payout period under the bankruptcy has elapsed and the borrower's payment performance has been satisfactory (i.e. , all required payments made on time). In addition, the borrower must receive permission from the court to enter into the mortgage transaction ans You can buy anything you want.

But getting a loan is a different story. You should understand the differnce. All things, including your mortgage HAD to BE included in you BK or you commited fraud and lied to the court Criminal acts.

Also not god for getting anyone to loan you money In todays and any reasonable expection of the futures lending environment...where even excellent credit and history requires scruitniny and, a bankrupt that hasn' t paid prior obligations nor apparently even understand that you don't actually buy and own something until you pay for it...have little chance of finding someone to lend you money for sometime. Well maybe at much more of a cost than those that understand these basic concepts would agree to pay and know they could afford. You now become a good mark for preditory lenders ans The 2nd answer above seems to be more of a moral answer than a legit answer.

The reality is that you CAN file bankrutpcy and keep the mortgage outside of the bankruptcy. We help clients every single month that have had the misfortune of filing either a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankrtupcy obtain a mortgage financing. These are FHA-insured mortgage's that are 30 year FIXED rates with low closing costs!

After all the costs are regulated by HUD.

Situations vary, but I am working with a lender who can approve you 18 months after bankruptcy. I am a Grand Blanc local Realtor who knows the market well and I would be happy to assist you. Please call me at 810-965-4011, or email me at [email protected] and I will refer you to the lender.

If all goes well, we can start looking for your new home! This is a financing question and should, therefore, be answered by a mortgage professional, such as myself, for the most accurate answer. I have closed several loans in the past few months where the client had a bankruptcy (including their home0 just 18 months prior.

These loans were $0 down and the rates were around 4% for a 30 year fixed. Call me and we can discuss your situation. Depends on what type of loan you are trying to qualifiy for but sometimes you can qualify as soon as 2 years after your bankruptcy was discharged (chapter 7).

If it was only a 13 then shorter. Talk to a qualified mortgage professional in your area to get information on your individual situation. Hope this helps!

Everyone's circumstances are different, I know several lenders who all have different programs, some loans require 2 years after discharge, some require 3 years. Alot also depends on if you had a home you filed banktruptcy on also, how fast they can give you another loan. Call me to help guide you to the right mortgage person, one that can be trusted.

And I am an Accredited Buyers Agent also, that will find you the home of your dreams. Some of my lenders have programs to repair your credit fast also. Everyone's circumstances are different, I know several lenders who all have different programs, some loans require 2 years after discharge, some require 3 years.

Alot also depends on if you had a home you filed banktruptcy on also, how fast they can give you another loan. Call me to help guide you to the right mortgage person, one that can be trusted. And I am an Accredited Buyers Agent also, that will find you the home of your dreams.

Some of my lenders have programs to repair your credit fast also. Things have changed considerably in the past few years with lenders.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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