Can you hear this sound? This is "The Sound Only Kids Can Hear"... Can you hear it?

As a parent, I can say with utmost authority that's not the ONLY sound they hear adults don't.......under about age 12....they can hear ice cream within a mile radius. Once they hit 13 years old, they can tell the difference of Dad his empty wallet from one with 20s and 50s. Sorry for the lame joke!

In seriousness, I found two more called Mosquito also. Both differ from yours and only the second one was hard for this 43 year old to hear. The first on the NY Times is different than yours.

Neither my wife or I could the sounds though my 13 and 17 year olds could.

Except for the crackling, on a few "peeps" during play and a final "blip. " Since others say it hurts, I'm just as glad I couldn't!

Yes. I can hear it (it hurts) and it made my daughter scream with pain when I just played it.

It's known as "The Mosquito". And I hate it. Every time we have a school-wide assembly, there's always some idiot that decides to play it to be funny.

When we grimace, the teachers start to yell at us for being disruptive. If I ever find the kid that does it, I'm locking him in a room with massive speakers, hooked up to computers playing a bunch of different variations of the Mosquito I, too, can hear the sound of a TV/similar appliances being on, and it drives me nuts.

I heard some white noise followed by a blip.

Yes I can. I am 38 and, knock on wood, seem to have good hearing. I live in Japan now and have a problem with the entrance to restaurants because they tend to have a high pitch device mounted above the doorways to keep out rats.It also works on teenagers (and me for some ungodly reason..).

OUCH THAT HURT. I heard it alright. I think it just wiped all the ear wax out of both sides of my head.

Holy cow... Then again, it doesn't surprise me. I can hear a TV that's on with the sound turned off, it makes some high pitched noise that drives me wild. I can easily hear it from the other side of a building.

Teachers that would leave a TV on with the sound off to teach a lesson and show a video after were horrible, I couldn't focus on what they were saying because of that racket. This is interesting though, I'll be curious to see if other adults can hear it or not.

I'm a 20 year old female and I could hear it.

Ehhhhhh. Yes. Probably harder to hear, when it's in your pocket though, huh?

Yep. A high-pitched whining, with squeek-like blips and static over the whole thing. It didn't hurt, though.My 4-year-old could hear it but says it didn't hurt her ears either, so maybe it's our cheap speakers.

Actually adults cant hear it because there hearing senses are older and cant detect the high pitched sound kids can because they have newer senses BTW Im 12 And I Can Hear THATS THE SCIENTIFIC REASON.

Ok, I would throw my phone against a wall if that is the tone I heard when it rang! I'm thinking it doesn't exactly work with just kids since I don't think I really fall into that category anymore.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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