Can you refinance 2 years after Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

%DETAILS% Answer Absolutely! 2yrs after you discharge a chapter 7 BK, you are eligible to refinance with many "sub-prime" lenders, who lend money to people in your particular situation The best thing for you to do is contact a mortgage broker, like myself, who can research what program would fit your financial situation the best. If your goal is lower payments and greater flexibility, the sooner you act, the closer you are to building your credit history back to where you would like it to be.

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How soon after a bankruptcy can I refinance? I have heard that I have to wait 2 or even more years since my chapter 7 discharge. Answer: Firstly you do NOT have to wait 2 years to refinance after a chapter 7 discharge, those are for Fannie Mae loans.

You can refinance a chapter 7 a day after discharge. A chapter 13 can also be refinanced before discharge since it's on a payment plan for 3-5 years from filing date. You can get a chapter 13 refinance as little as 12 months from filing, not discharge and you can payoff your chapter 13 in the process if you have enough equity in your home.

There are key differences between a chapter 13 and chapter 7 refinance but that is for your mortgage broker to be aware of. You will be ok you’re your low FICO score but you will need a specialized broker who understands how to do navigate the bankruptcy situation. By the way, if you refinance before your 37th month of bankruptcy (within 3 years), then you will be liable for repaying the unsecured debt that you filed for.

If you can hold out till the 37th month you can refinance and not be held responsible for that back debt. You can have the lender refinance all of your current debt; this includes your filed bankruptcy that you pay currently on through your trustee and the unsecured debt that you had discharged as well as new debt. Are you saying that after a chapter 7 backruptcy discharge that you can still be responsible for the debt if you refinance or is that only a chapter 13?

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