Christians, why do you quote bible verses to defend yourselves even though atheists don't believe in it?

Get a grip on reality. No where in your bible does it say: Dear follower, you must attend our wonderful little Church located on the corner of High St and Low Rd in Bigtown, at least once a week and when there you must drop a dollar in the plate and also once a month get involved in bible readings at the Jones house (bring a plate) plus support church gatherings. Or you will go to hell.

Well I cant see it. Can you. So the next time one of the self righteous passes judgement on you go to your pastor or priest or Rabi or what ever and tell him/her to stick it up his bum.

Tell him how you are over the hypocrites in his flock. And then walk away. You can instead join my church.

I go to church every day. It has two legs two arms and eyes that are getting a little old. I don't need to stand in a building proving to my neighbour (the person next to me in the church) that I am a good Christian.

I only need to speak to God through my self. Remember, your church and the people involved with it are simply messengers of the word. They are NOT the word its self.

Our faith is not achieved through them, its found by reaching with in your self. To worship you only need to believe. To do that look within your self to your own faith.

Providing you have it you have no need to prove it to any man. I have a work friend who was a minister in his church until they found out he is gay. His kind were not wanted around here, he was told.

20 years later the same Bishop has contacted him say, why don't you come back to us. You see these faiths are in serious decline, rather than attack you they should be pleased that you bother to be a part of them. Your church needs you more than you need them as you are income to them yet for you, even being alone you can worship.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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