I'm one of 30! That makes me feel special. 1.
I think the best way to help people reach green belt is to inspire them to give the best answers they can. Beyond the inherent cheesiness of that answer, I mean: more good answers->more chance of getting Best Answer-> more points. Plus, askers get better quality answers.
I think the auto-tipping increase has done a good job in inspiring better answers. 2. My favorite pie chart:
1. Maybe a mention of the Mahalo blog widget on the main page of Answers would help get people closer to green belt, just something simple like the explanation of Mahalo dollars seen on the main Answers page. That's an easy 50 points for anyone who has a blog.2.
While I can't give advice on how to get to a green belt, I am certainly watching this topic to get advice. I just try to give the best answers I can every time. It is really fun watching and waiting to see if you get picked, and when I don't I try to look at the answer that did get picked and see if I was close and what I can do to make my answer better the next time.
I think the best way to get to green belt is to have two attitudes: 1. Getting to green belt is really not terribly hard if you give the best answer you can give every time. Your answers shouldn't just quote the top answer on Google.
Try to give at least one source every answer. And know enough about the topic to have a good idea about whether your sources are decent or not! Of course, use good grammar.
Textwriting won't take your far here. 2. Have an attitude that you are here to help, and open to learning new things.
This will give you additional motivation. Ok, I said two. I can't count.3.
Sometimes it's fun to take a look at where you are in the standings and have a little mini-race. At one point Spoon and I were changing places about every hour, and we were privately joking with each other about it. More recently it was Dr. Matt and I.
Having the motivation to find one more question I could answer well to get ahead kept me at it.
1. The Best way to get to green belt is to put as much thought and effort as you can into the answer you give. It is also helpful to utilize all of the features that are available to you at each belt level (answering, commenting, voting, etc.) 2.
Wow! That's the first depiction of the Mahalo Answers community where Darcy isn't a dominant force! (I had no idea there were so few in the top belts!) 1) The best way to get people through to green is making it fun.
Interact, praise, tease, whatever it takes - make them feel like it's home. 2.Pie....mmm.
8,000 points indicates you are ready for brown belt, this is the Mahalo Elite. You don't automatically get your brown belt, you first need to pass a test conducted by the Mahalo Staff,. Mahalo users are subjected to the test because of the advance editing options that become available to you as a brown belt.
Mahalo expects brown belts to become the elite users who will essentially be real examples of what it means to be the best type of user on Mahalo. In order to pass your brown belt test, you will need to be experienced in Page Management and have had some approved Mahalo Tasks. You will also need to contribute at least M$50 in "Tips" within Mahalo Answers.
You can find this information under "Tips Given" on your profile page. Black Belts represent the very best that Mahalo has to offer, period. They are the true champions of the community in every respect, and they are essential to shaping and representing the community at large.
In order to possess such a high honor, you must truly stand out among the masses and, much like brown belts, you must pass a test hosted and conducted by Mahalo staff. Black belts go out of their way to help new users within the site, often by hanging out in the Mahalo Answers Community in order to assist new or struggling users. Mahalo's elite possess high best answer percentage ratios, an impressive number of 'helpful' votes, and are often responsible for recruiting talented new users and writers to the Mahalo community.
Black Belts are also some of the best and/or most prolific writers on the site. Black belts are also among the most generous of all users, as black belt candidates must contribute at least M$100 in "Tips" within Mahalo Answers before they are eligible to don the Ebony Sash of Glory. If we do not believe you are fit for the brown or black belt, we are more than happy to help suggest ways you can improve your performance on the site, as we are eager to help guide our users toward greatness!
If you do not wish to advance to these levels, send an email to the Community Manager Corey, and let him know. You will not undergo the test.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.