Computer lock-up: My Dell Optiplex GX620 works fine using the internet but locks up when playing games. Cpu not hot?

Computer lock-up: My Dell Optiplex GX620 works fine using the internet but locks up when playing games. Cpu not hot. Asked by poppo1946 2 months ago Similar questions: computer lock up Dell Optiplex GX620 works fine internet locks playing games Cpu hot Games & Leisure.

Similar questions: computer lock up Dell Optiplex GX620 works fine internet locks playing games Cpu hot.

Those Dell's are designed as business computers, the graphics card they include is fairly bottom end. Are you playing the games that comes with Windows, or are you trying world of Warcraft or Sims or games like that? It may not have enough horsepower for those.

Karl, here is a list of games: Chuzzle runs ok, The witcher drags and sometimes locks up, Two Worlds, Harry Potter and thr Order of the Phoenix, Frontline Fields of Thunder lock up. Clicking to bring up the Internet use to take five or more clicks, it would blick as if starting and then go back to the home page (?). Replacing the harddrive has stopped that problem.My son had to use the recovery disc to get the computer to work after the hd swap.

Could something be missing? System information shows a yellow question mark by these two things: multimedia audio controller & sm bus controller. Thank you, Karl.

Poppo1946 2 months ago .

You may have old drivers installed. Go to the Dell site, and enter the info they request, and let it update all your drivers to the latest versions. Aspx?


Carl I thank you for working to help me. My son has updated all the drivers he could think of. All said no update available, maybe I did not write that correctly, I mean they have already been updated.

Could it possibly be that the video card is failing now and then? If this is possible, how could I check this before buying a new one? I downloaded a new game this morning called "Enclave" and it is working just fine.

This game listed low end specks that are way under my computers capabilities. If it is the stronger needs of the other games, does that tend to narrow it down to the video card? I am at a total loss and need help badly.

Thanl you again, Ray. Poppo1946 2 months ago .

I looked at a few of the games you listed, and your video card meets the minimum specification, so that could be the cause of the problem. Yes, you can get a better video card, but, the power supply in your unit may not support it, and you could create a heat issue. You can try adding memory, as much as the system will hold, that never hurts, but if gaming is a primary use of your computer, you should look for one designed for that, since games put much more demand on a PC.

Thank you Carl. In the System Information listings, the 'multimedia audio controller' and the 'sm bus controller' have yellow question marks infront of them. Since my computer has a video and a sound card added is it normal for these two controller items to have the "?" infront of them?

Update, one of the games has started working fine again with no lockup. Would like to upgrade to a gaming pc, no funds. I read something about installing Windows 7 to help with games.

Since the games worked fine before, is installing Windows 7 a good idea? One more question. If the day comes and I do change computers is Intel or AMD (?) cpu better?

Or is that like comparing Chevy to Ford? Thank you again, Ray. Poppo1946 2 months ago .

Carl! My son had done his best to download all driver updates. He must have missed.

I went to the Dell site, as you said, and downloaded the drivers they suggested. All is working fine on my computer, even the two things with yellow "? " are gone.

I am indebted to you sir. Thank you, Ray. Poppo1946 2 months ago .

How to Restore a Dell Optiplex GX620 with Windows XP Pro without the CD, when F8 doesn't offer the "repair Your Computer.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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