Converting a String to hex for use as canvas paint color Java?

If you need a Color variable, you can use the Color contructor (but have to change the range to 0.0-1.0).

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Void changeColor(int a, int r, int g, int b){ String hex = + Integer. ToHexString(a) + Integer. ToHexString(r) + Integer.

ToHexString(g) + Integer. ToHexString(b); int color = hex //Obviously this is a type mismatch, but how do I do this? Mpaint.

SetColor(color); } Obviously this is a type mismatch, but how do I do this? Java colors hex int link|improve this question edited Jan 3 at 22:56?6,5021325 asked Jan 3 at 22:48charles horvath145 17% accept rate.

If you need a Color variable, you can use the Color contructor (but have to change the range to 0.0-1.0) Color(float r, float g, float b, float a) But if you need an int in the end, you have to use bitshifts (this is an example, you have to know how the color components need to be ordered) : int color = (r.

Actually I found out that the Android SDK for the paint object has a built in color setter in the same format. Mpaint. SetARGB(a, r, g, b); – charles horvath Jan 4 at 0:34.

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