The Do Something Different Day February 29th Courage is the key to this holiday. The idea is to do something one has never done. It would be an opportunity to do something completely out of character.
If you are stoic you could put on a comedy act. If you have never left your state, you could visit another. If you have never cooked a turkey, well that could be your choice.
From small to large, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to do something you have never done before. Since the holiday is celebrated only a couple of times every decade, it would be an opportunity to re-evaluate ones life.To break out of old habits.
To take a risk and try something new. Customs: 1) The event is documented, pictures, videos, recordings, etc.2) You wear an "I'm doing it!" pin during the event (to be designed) 3) A certificate is made up and put on your "Wall of Courage" telling of your deed.
I assume you mean other than Festivus for the rest of us. URL1 October 15th would be HoopDay! In the morning we would read from the works of James Naismith or John Wooden, either privately or in a group.To close that period of the celebration, we would have a moment of silence while the following video was played: Beginning at 12:00, Let the games begin.
Games on TV, tournaments at the YMCA, kids on the playground, even old guys in shorty shorts out there hooping it up! It's HoopDay.To eat, we have polish sausage spit down the middle and stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon. Also pizza and hot dogs.
Hot wings and beer. Orange soda. Chips and Dip.
Ice Cream.
National Chess Recognition Day (or something similar) I’m a hardcore chess fan, and I play any chance I get. Chess has a rich history, and there are some very interesting players out there, both current and from the past! I would like to celebrate this holiday with a 12-hour chess marathon at a Denny’s or other similar restaurant.It sounds insane, but trust me, it is totally doable.
On Fridays the chess club starts at 9 p.m. , and many of us are still there pushing wood until after 5 a.m.It gets a little nutty. :).
Since the holiday is celebrated only a couple of times every decade, it would be an opportunity to re-evaluate ones life. To break out of old habits. To take a risk and try something new.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.