Creating a Simple Financial Calculator using Excel or some other application?

Creating a Simple Financial Calculator using Excel or some other application. I'm seeking a simple financial calculator that may be saved to disc/CD. The calculator would compute time value money calculation.

The calculation is amount (money) times years times interest = total Amount ($) x Years x Interest = TotalI imagine that this may be able to be done using Excel. Please advise. Asked by jawar 49 months ago Similar questions: Creating Simple Financial Calculator Excel application Business.

Similar questions: Creating Simple Financial Calculator Excel application.

One Answer in Four Columns First cell (A1): monetary amount (format: currency) Second cell (B1): # of years (format: number) Third cell (C1): Interest rate (format: percentage) CALCULATION: (format: currency) (formula: =ABS(FV(C1,B1,0, A1)) ) I should point out I am NOT an accountant & don't speak their language, but this checks for me.

Sure, Excel has time value of money calculations built in. You are correct. You need a box for the principle amount of money, the number of periods, and the interest rate.

This is key, or your calculations will be off. Your example had number of years, so years would be the period, and the interest value should be a year's interest rate. Most banks charge interest by the day, and so if your values differ, this might be why.

If you use a different period, you have to divide the annual rate by the number of periods (12 for monthly or 365 for daily). Along the first row, label the columns Principle, Periods, Interest Rate, Total Value. Click in the cell under Total Value (D2), and then click the Insert menu item, and then click the Function submenu item.

This will start the function generator. You want to select the financial category, and find the futur value function (FV). After selecting it, it will give you places to enter values for Rate (interest rate), NPer (number of periods/years), Pmt (payment amount), and PV (present value).

Click in each box, and then click in the corresponding box in row 2 above. Enter 0 for the Pmt for your purposes, and click the OK button. You can now enter the values into the second row and the total will appear in the 4th column.

Remember to enter the interest divided by 100, or your calculation will be off. I hope this helps.

1 If you get negative number, you can just ignore them, or change the present value to a negative number so the end result is positive. You can also alter the formula to use a -A2 value instead of A2. The negative value comes from a quirk in the formula in URL1 makes sense to accountants, but not the rest of us.

If you get negative number, you can just ignore them, or change the present value to a negative number so the end result is positive. You can also alter the formula to use a -A2 value instead of A2. The negative value comes from a quirk in the formula in URL1 makes sense to accountants, but not the rest of us.

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