Which is a good financial calculator? What about a good financial calculator online?

I've used the HP financial calculators for years, and the HP 17bII+ is very good. I have a finance position right now, and this calculator is really great. I can figure out loans and leases and other statistical functions very easily.

Overview For students and professionals in real estate, finance, accounting and business. The HP 17bII+ financial calculator is both powerful and easy-to-use. Quickly calculate loan payments, interest rates and conversions, standard deviation, percent, TVM, NPV, IRR, cash flows, bonds and more.

Features 28KB of user memory, over 250 functions, RPN and Algebraic data entry, clock, appointments, calendar, HP solve application, menus prompts and messages. Features The Powerful Performer • Business/Financial Features, Statistical/Mathematical Features, Time and Date Management, and Customizing Features. Mode Selection • Attractive one line x 10-character LCD display; select business functions at your fingertips; great mix of statistic, business and math functions; r.

Ead display results easily, even at an angle Ideal for • Real estate, finance, accounting, economics and business work. • Permitted for use on • CFP Certification Exam Special design features • HP's large, angled, click-style keys allow you to minimize unwanted key presses 2-line x 22 character adjustable contrast LCD display Auto power OFF, after 10 minutes Financial/business features • TVM (loans, savings and leasing) Amortization List-based, cash-flow analysis Currency conversions Cash-flow functions: IRR, NPV, NFV and NUS Print table with infrared printer (hp 82240) Bond price and yield Depreciation methods: SL, DB, SOYD and ACRS Interest-rate conversions Percentage calculation: %CHG, %TOTL, MU%P, MU%C Time and data management • Clock, calendar, appointments and alarm Date arithmetic (1582.10.15~9999.12.31) Number lists, edit, sort, store Statistical/mathematical features • List-based, two-variable statistical analysis STD deviation, mean, weighted mean Forecasting, correlation coefficient: linear, logarithmic, exponential, power +, -, x, /, %, 1/x, +/-, ex, n! , yx,?

X,? X2,? Y,?

Y2,? Xy LOG, LN, 10x, PI, EXP, NI Customizing features • HP Solve applicationMemory capacity unlimited within available memoryCustom menusSolve for any variable without programming Sources: http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/WF05a/215348-215348-64232-20036-215349-384708.html .

" "Is Eddie Bauer having financial difficulties?" "Financial Questions...need assistance. " "How can I get some financial help? " "financial doctoring is bad, but financial engineering is not.

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Creating a Simple Financial Calculator using Excel or some other application.

Financial doctoring is bad, but financial engineering is not. What is wrong with the doctors?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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