Cursor and Adapter?

I think your problem is in try { db. RawQuery("SELECT * FROM AC_list", null); } finally { if (db! = null) Log.

I("tag", "db closed"); db.close(); } you are closing it as soon as you query and your query is never saved into databaseCursor, maybe what you wanted to do was: try { databaseCursor = db. RawQuery("SELECT * FROM AC_list", null); } catch(Exception e) { if (db! = null) Log.

I("tag", "db closed"); db.close(); } I hope this helps.

Thnx but that only kept the db open - The data is still not showing. – camelCaser Apr 29 at 17:46 1 @camelCaser I edited the answer, you were not saving your query into the cursor – raukodraug Apr 29 at 17:55 How would I save the query to the cursor - Plz bare w/me, I'm learning as I go. Thnx!

– camelCaser Apr 29 at 18:09 1 @camelCaser Its in the code I posted, check the line that its inside the try – raukodraug Apr 29 at 18:49.

Cursor databaseCursor = null; This is what you are passing to the adapter. Sure you are querying later, but you are never capturing the cursor result from that query, nor are you setting the cursor on the adapter. So since cursor is always null, you never have results.

Oh, you also need to keep the db open while your cursor is alive. Use the startManagingCursor method on the activity rather than close the database.

Thnx. I was wondering that maybe the case but I am not sure how to do it (green 2 java & Android). Any code snippet to correct this would help(?).

Thanx again. – camelCaser Apr 29 at 18:05 1 first, return the cursor from rawQuery(), then call startManagingCursor on that, then pass that cusror to the adapter. Take a look at the showResults method here:… – Darren Kopp Apr 29 at 18:21.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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