David Ortiz was a premier power hitter in baseball for several seasons, hitting 47 home runs in 2005 and 54 home runs in 2006. But his?

Wow, David Ortiz has been a power guy for quite a few seasons and he is getting older, but I am not sure this is the end for him. A couple years ago he hit only 23 home runs, but then he came to the plate only 416 times. He had a string of 5 years in a row where the lowest number of home runs he hit was 31, but prior to getting to Boston he never hit more than 20 in a season.

The fact that his batting average has fallen off is a bit worrisome. If he doesn't recover to hit .260 or better and put a few more in the seats, then I would be fretting if I was a Boston fan. Then again, maybe he just needs a change of scenery, but that is doubtful because he is playing in a very friendly hitter's park.In my opinion he is playing out the days and has lost quite a bit, just as Ken Griffey Jr is.

The x-factor he as always is that I do not know if there are injuries or personal problems affecting his play. There are also quite a few fans out there who would be more than willing to point to PEDs as the reason for a player's decline.In my book all athletes use PEDs in one manner or the other, so that is a non-issue here. Pain killers, cortisone shots, fluids given intravenously all enhance the performance of an athlete.

I think the beginning of the end started a while ago. Ortiz isn’t remotely young and it is pretty apparent that this is simply the downside of his career. We are now late enough in the season that in order for him to put even DECENT season statistics he would have to get red hot.

We are rapidly moving towards June now and he still isn’t hitting much or showing much power, he has started to get benched more than he has been in the past and even with the increased rest he’s been given more time to rest. If Ortiz was smart this would be his last year in the majors, but as with most star players, he will probably find it hard to call it a career. In that regard, he’s on the right team, as the Redsox still let Jason Varitek play, and he no longer contributes much of anything to the team.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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