What about the December 31 payroll that will deposit my dependent care PSA money with WageWorks? With which company should I file my late-December dependent care claim?

If you make a payment to your dependent care provider on December 31, go ahead and FAX that to WageWorks. Do not MAIL it! If you cannot use a fax machine and want to mail your claim, you should mail it to PayFlex.

WageWorks will pay the claims they receive through end of business on December 31, so even if the Vanderbilt payroll information doesn’t reach WageWorks until January 2, WageWorks will pay the claim. For participants who pay dependent care providers weekly, your final payment of the year made on December 29 may include payment for January 1 and 2. If that is the case and you submit a claim to WageWorks showing January 1 and 2, WageWorks will only reimburse the claim amount for 29 may8–31. January 1 and 2 are outside of the plan year they managed for Vanderbilt and will not be reimbursed by WageWorks.

You may want to ask your provider to split that receipt and show 29 may8–31 on one receipt (submit that one to WageWorks by December 31) and January 1–2 on another ...

If you make a payment to your dependent care provider on December 31, go ahead and FAX that to WageWorks. Do not MAIL it! If you cannot use a fax machine and want to mail your claim, you should mail it to PayFlex.

WageWorks will pay the claims they receive through end of business on December 31, so even if the Vanderbilt payroll information doesn’t reach WageWorks until January 2, WageWorks will pay the claim. For participants who pay dependent care providers weekly, your final payment of the year made on December 29 may include payment for January 1 and 2. If that is the case and you submit a claim to WageWorks showing January 1 and 2, WageWorks will only reimburse the claim amount for 29 may8–31. January 1 and 2 are outside of the plan year they managed for Vanderbilt and will not be reimbursed by WageWorks.

You may want to ask your provider to split that receipt and show 29 may8–31 on one receipt (submit that one to WageWorks by December 31) and January 1–2 on another ...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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