Did Con's get the News Flash Obama Care is Legal and now our Economy is Booming again?

First of all, the current name for the group the U.S. has been bombing daily is ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant), changed in early 2014 from Islamic Sunnis in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) after then-leader Abu-Bakr Baghdadi (a former Bush/Cheney detainee) and the al-Qaeda leader Aymann Zawahiri got in an argument when Baghdadi killed a high-ranking Muslim officer in fellow al-Qaeda-supported group Nusra Front. Zawahiri ordered Baghdadi out of Syria and told him to confine his group to Iraq (see open letter published in Al Jazeera News). What Baghdadi did, however, was to basically say, "Up yours, old man!" and changed his group's goal to a takeover of all the nations of the Levant (all Middle East nations plus Palestine and Israel) to set up a Caliphate, with himself of course as the Caliph.

President Obama also used his superior diplomatic skills to forge a 60-nation international coalition to help us "degrade and destroy ISIL" (the U.S.-led purpose of the coalition). Annie: President Obama did NOT "give amnesty" to illegal immigrants---so do not pay attention to the propaganda that would suggest otherwise. I also suggest that you look up the 2001 bipartisan DREAM Act (Development and Education for Alien Minors) originally sponsored by Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) for a better understanding of the Executive Order called DACA which President Obama has signed---again, NOT AMNESTY, but taken from a small portion of the DREAM Act.

DACA does not apply to anyone who came to the U.S. as minor aliens prior to 2004. The requirement for eligibility is that long-term-resident illegals who have lived in the U.S. for at least five years PRIOR to 2009 (so from 2004 or earlier) and who were brought here as minor children with no say in the matter can apply for a two-year-only reprieve from deportation if they meet the criteria: (a) Five years of consecutive residence prior to 2009; (b) No arrests or police record; (c) Must speak English; (d) Must pay a fine for being here illegally; (e) Must catch up with any back taxes owed. If these criteria are met, these young adults can come out of the shadows for two years, get a driver's license (which also means they have to have insurance, so Americans are protected should there be an accident), attend college, hold jobs in the open (no more under-the-counter jobs), or join the military to serve their adopted country.

President Obama's wise policies for border security have slowed illegal immigration to zero (see whitehouse.gov and click on Immigration), and he has cracked down on U.S. employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers. More than 2 MILLION criminal-past illegals have been deported by President Obama. Donald Trump hires illegal immigrants in his casinos for cleaning staff---I met them.

He also furnishes his office buildings and hotels with Chinese-made furnishings---he boasted about saving money by doing so in the last election cycle. The walking ego The Donald is a mean-mouthed oafish windbag without substance who hides behind his money to cover up deep-rooted insecurities for which he overcompensates. Not presidential!

You are correct, asker---President Obama has been a Godsend for this GOP-damaged nation from Day One of his very productive, recession-reversing, economy-growing, deficit-slashing, bin-Laden-getting, borders-securing, miracles-working two-term presidency.

Well we seem to be dropping plenty of bombs. Besides, it's up to the "normal" Arab Muslim countries to fight Isis, not the US. Otherwise they see it as a religious war.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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