Differentiate between the two main forms of urinary tract infection. Can anyone please offer any help? I am doing this as homework and need some help.
Would the difference be that one bacteria infects the kidneys and the other the bladder? If so I believe I can go from there but any help would be appreciated. Asked by kdavis 31 months ago Similar Questions: Differentiate main forms urinary tract infection offer help Recent Questions About: Differentiate main forms urinary tract infection offer help Health.
Similar Questions: Differentiate main forms urinary tract infection offer help Recent Questions About: Differentiate main forms urinary tract infection offer help.
The two types of urinary infections are based on where they occur. The two types of urinary infections are a bladder infection or cystitis and the second is a kidney infection or pyelonephritis. An untreated cystitis can ascend into the kidneys and cause pyelo.
For that reason when our patients come in for a UTI we ask if they are having any flank pain. Flank pain is felt as a tenderness to exam on the sides of the low back. This would indicate kidney involvement.
We always send a urine sample to be sure the patients symptoms are treated with the correct medicine. If they are highly symptomatic we will start medication but double check with a urine for sensitivity to that medication. In this day and age as bacteria becomes more resistent this is important.
Also if the urine dip does not show any of the typical sign of a UTI ( leukocytes, nitrites, blood) then we send the urine for culture and may check them for yeast infection or something else. We do not just automatically dispense medication for everyone. Hope this helps.
Sources: personal opinion of a nurse .
UTI is a blanket term for any infection in the urinary tract, but can be either kidney or bladder Urinary tract infection is a blanket term to cover any infection in the urinary tract. When the infection is in the bladder, the more appropriate term is cystitis, while pyelonephritis is a kidney infection. Each type of infection has slightly different signs and symptoms and are treated differently from one another.
The other thing to keep in mind is that either of these can *also* be designated as either complicated or uncomplicated. Uncomplicated infections are typically healthy, young, non-pregnant females. Complicated infections are those where there are resistant bacteria involved, the patient is male, elderly, pregnant, diabetic, or any one of several other factors.
Sources: I'm a health care professional .
2 Thats what I'm unsure about too. Usually the questions are a little more detailed than this and none of my books discuss UTI's in depth. I believe it would be the bacterial uti and cystitis.
We never learned about ascended or interstitial tho.
Thats what I'm unsure about too. Usually the questions are a little more detailed than this and none of my books discuss UTI's in depth. I believe it would be the bacterial uti and cystitis.
We never learned about ascended or interstitial tho.
Sometimes that happens when a woman has had pregnancies -- they develop a prolapsed bladder and when they void, the bladder still retains urine. The bladder isn't completely emptied. If bacteria gets in, usually introduced during sex (which is easy considering the urethra's proximity to the anus), the retained urine becomes a medium for the bacteria to grow.
Urine is normally almost sterile. If not treated quickly, it can lead to an ascended cystitis. Men can get kidney infections as they age if they develop enlarged prostrate.
It does the same thing. The bladder is not completely emptied. I found this site which might be of more help to you.
I'm have no medical background, just the experience which encouraged me to read up on the situation:stronghealth.com/services/urology/condit... .
No I don't think so, I think cystitis IS a UTI. You have lower cystitis which remains focused on the bladder, and Ascended Cystitis which has affected both the bladder and the kidneys. I think it too is still a UTI.
Sometimes that happens when a woman has had pregnancies -- they develop a prolapsed bladder and when they void, the bladder still retains urine. The bladder isn't completely emptied. If bacteria gets in, usually introduced during sex (which is easy considering the urethra's proximity to the anus), the retained urine becomes a medium for the bacteria to grow.
Urine is normally almost sterile. If not treated quickly, it can lead to an ascended cystitis. Men can get kidney infections as they age if they develop enlarged prostrate.
It does the same thing. The bladder is not completely emptied. I found this site which might be of more help to you.
I'm have no medical background, just the experience which encouraged me to read up on the situation:stronghealth.com/services/urology/condit....
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My Cat had a urinary tract infection. Now its fixed but she is still peeing on my bed. How do I break her of that habit?
I am recently taking meds for it and its not working.
About 6 weeks ago I had a uriniary tract infection - My Dr prescribed a antibiotic it cured my urinary tract infection b.
Can a doctor tell what the cause of a urinary tract infection is.
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