Do high school teachers think their students have it easier than when they were in high school?

Similar questions: high school teachers students easier.

The internet for one thing. We used to have to do research in libraries, which was boring, extremely time consuming, and tedious. It would often take an hour just to get to the library and prepared and set up to do research -- then the research itself took hours and there were a lot of dead leads.

You'd even get sinus problems from the dust and mold. Teaching today is more like what we used to do for fun -- multimedia, videoginic, computer-music-and-video presentations -- and most of it is subjective and about how you feel rather than what you think. And if thought is involved, there is little requirement to back up or justify your belief.

Heh heh. They DO have it easier than when I was in high school. As one with two degrees and three credentials, I can tell you that folks have been making a serious effort at dumbing down the education of our children, probably because smart people won't accept low-paying jobs.

But whatever the reason, public schools are much more about the affective (beliefs) than cognitive (knowledge), and I've been to inservices where the person boasted about wanting this change. Thus, our youth are now told what to believe (e.g. , life-by-evolution) instead of how to think about the facts ("What does this fossil really say?") and then CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES.

It all depends. Back in the "old days" a teacher was more concerned with teaching the subject matter to the students - some of whom were reluctantly learning the material - and insuring that they learned/retained what they had been taught. Today, teachers are more concerned with "teaching to the test" - the test being a standardized test that supposedly shows how much the students are learning and whether the teachers are teaching the subject matter properly.

The ultimate goal is not necessarily for the students to learn anything but rather for the school and the teacher to score high on those tests. If they score high, they receive more handouts from the government and a pat on the back. If they score low, they run the risk of losing funding and get a kick in the butt.

And that's the problem with education, and consequently why this country is falling behind in every area imaginable - the students have no concept relating to the subject, but they've been grilled on how to pass a multiple-choice test. I see this all the time since I teach at a university. I give students an exam which calls for them to write a short essay regarding the subject and they are totally incapable of answering the question.

I've even had students write "Why don't we have a multiple-choice exam? " What does that tell you? So, to answer your original question after all of that, in talking to my next door neighbor who teaches at the high school level, students today do have it easier because they don't need to be bothered with learning anything - they just have to know how to take a multiple-choice standardized test.

If anyone is stressed, its the teachers since they can be fired if their students don't do well on the tests. American education has sunk to a new low. It's no wonder the Chinese will soon take over - you work your butt off and get the grade you deserve - and above all, they learn to think!

Consistently, year after year, my best students are Oriental. What does that tell you? .

How many high school students are there in world.

What is the percentage of high school students are foreign.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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