DO I have to file taxes with my spouse even though he don't give me no money and when he owe I owe?

DO I have to file taxes with my spouse even though he don't give me no money and when he owe I owe. Asked by sweety305 21 months ago Similar questions: file taxes spouse give money owe Business > Accounting.

Similar questions: file taxes spouse give money owe.

Taxes You can legally file married filing seperately. It is not a problem.

You can file separate You can file with your husband, or you can file "Married but filing separate. " Just make sure your spouse does the same. The taxes might be a little higher, but at least you'd be responsible for your own numbers..

2 NO you don't , do what Sophiethedog said file seperately .

NO you don't , do what Sophiethedog said file seperately.

I don't owe any back taxes or anything" "A year later, I still owe my former employer money...?" "If I still owe money on my car, can I still trade it" "is there a website to find out if I owe taxes" "We owe taxes, e-filed in feb. And they still haven't taken the money out! How long does it take?" "I am wondering if I need to file an extension for my taxes if I'm getting money back... Will I be fined for not filing?

" "If you owe the Irs some money will they take the whole refund? " "How can I give money to my grandchild for education without her having to pay taxes on it?" "What did you get your spouse for a wedding gift? What did your spouse give you?

" "How do I get a print-out of what I owe in back taxes?

If I still owe money on my car, can I still trade it.

Is there a website to find out if I owe taxes.

We owe taxes, e-filed in feb. And they still haven't taken the money out! How long does it take?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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