What if you owe money to the IRS when you file your taxes? Will they take out what they are owed?

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We are trying to get an idea of when we will have our tax money. We only owed them $50 or so. How long of a process are we looking at?

Purdysexygagal 14 months ago .

It's not going to add time, it's a simple electronic balancing done by computer. As far as how long it takes, it depends on when you sent in your tax form, and how busy they are, and how complex your return is, among other things. Here is some information you may find useful.

efile.com/tax-refund/where-is-my-refund/ com/tax-refund/where-is-my-refund.

Yes, they keep those records, and when you come back around the next year, they snag it out of whatever "return" you might have gotten. The IRS always is paid first.

This year, I owed 1400 to the IRS after doing my taxes. Do I still get a rebate? " "If I owe irs 2000 taxes, will they demand payment?

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" "Will I owe taxes on money received from a cancer policy with AFLAC during treatment for Prostate Cancer. " "If IRS is owed 316.00 from the previous year taxes, how long will it take to get the remainder of the refund please? " "I filed my taxes this year and am owed 1360.

I didn't file last year and I think I owed. What will happen? " "is there a website to find out if I owe taxes" "Did you file your taxes yet?

This year, I owed 1400 to the IRS after doing my taxes. Do I still get a rebate?

Will I owe taxes on money received from a cancer policy with AFLAC during treatment for Prostate Cancer.

I filed my taxes this year and am owed 1360. I didn't file last year and I think I owed. What will happen?

Is there a website to find out if I owe taxes.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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