Do you believe that voting on Mahalo answers before they expire discourages further interest in submitting answers by members?

I have a few takes on this question... I live in a different time zone to mainstream USA therefore questions I would answer myself are already busting with good answers by the time I wake up and check out that case I'll probably vote for the answer I would have written. I think this is just the way things go :) and I don't really want to wait for days before I acknowledge the answer/s I like. If there is one correct and great answer already why should we wait to vote?

I think it's fine to vote for the one correct answer. In a way it does stop people wasting their time on a question that's already been answered....and if the person asking is not happy with the answer they can always ask for more or post the question again with a higher tip. As an asker I love getting heaps of answers and I will let Mahalo members choose the best answer for me by voting.

I think it's more fair for the users to vote than me choosing ( sometimes I choose but mostly its from users ). And when I have only one answer with lots of votes I'm still happy because I know Mahalo users think it's a good answer. And as a user if I've missed out on answering a good question because the answer is already there, I know Mahalo will soon show me new and even more interesting questions to answer :D Can't lose either way!

I think if the answer to the question completely answers your question and has a great source that further explains your what you need to know, then you should indeed choose, such as how old is Justin Bieber, you can only get one answer and any others you get will be a duplicate of the others. However on questions that can be answered further or that have several different answers, I would like to see what the majority says and would want to see as many answers as possible. I love to answer questions so I would like the chance to answer some questions where my opinion is more than a little different from other people's which could have possibly given the asker another avenue that they had not considered.

As of January 31, 2013, the LinkedIn Answers feature will be retired from LinkedIn. We'll be focusing our efforts on the development of new and more engaging ways to share and discuss professional topics across LinkedIn. In the meantime, you can still pose questions and facilitate professional discussions through other popular LinkedIn channels including LinkedIn Polls, Groups, or status updates.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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