Do you count calories when you dine out?

When I dine out, it's as a treat for eating correctly and exercising all week. I don't want a healthy pizza with low fat cheese! The calories and fat are going to be over my maximum for that meal and it won't even taste good!

When I'm in a bind and I have to get something when I'm out, I pretty much know the calories and fat in the fast food menus, and those are what I choose. Asked by SexyTrojan 39 months ago Similar questions: count calories dine Health > Fitness & Diet.

NO WAY..........LOL We behave and eat a sensible diet at home...watching the calories, the sodium, the fat content...portion control... So, when we do go out to dinner...I order what ever looks fantastic and delicious. Of course, after pigging out on all this great food, I feel like a pregnant yak...and vow to never do it again. Oh, we went out a couple of weeks ago and had the best Southern Fried Chicken I’ve ever had in my life...and had YAM FRIES for the first time ever.

Sooo, the next night we just had a big ’dinner salad’ and a yogurt for compensate, and took a brisk walk after supper.

No I don't... I agree with you that eating out is a treat and I'm not going to worry about calories on a day out. Some time ago I read that most people feel this way - they don't want diet or low-calorie foods when eating out - it spoils the whole concept which is to feel special, be treated like royalty, and enjoy! .

1 Dee doesn't count calories. Unfortunately, Dee has a problem gaining weight. Dee weighs 74 lbs.

Soaking wet! .

Dee doesn't count calories. Unfortunately, Dee has a problem gaining weight. Dee weighs 74 lbs.

Soaking wet!

2 I will try to eat a little less the day before and the day after, so that things average out. If I'm dining out it's probably a special occasion and I don't want to be the annoying person who picks at a tiny salad and a piece of dry, grilled fish and then sighs with envy at everyone's dessert. Those people are annoying!

I will try to eat a little less the day before and the day after, so that things average out. If I'm dining out it's probably a special occasion and I don't want to be the annoying person who picks at a tiny salad and a piece of dry, grilled fish and then sighs with envy at everyone's dessert. Those people are annoying!

3 I'm not a fanatic about it but I do try to have a salad or antipasto first so I don't pig out on the pasta/pizza course. And when I do pig out it's bunny food for a couple of days afterwards to make up for it.

I'm not a fanatic about it but I do try to have a salad or antipasto first so I don't pig out on the pasta/pizza course. And when I do pig out it's bunny food for a couple of days afterwards to make up for it.

" "Thanksgiving: A time to count our blessings, if not our calories. /Comments?" "DIET MODIFICATION.. L.A. Soon to force restaurants to post calories on their menus? " "Does anyone have a can of regular (not Diet) Coke handy?

I need to know how many calories are in a can." "Exercise diet and fitness questions" ""Mom, what are calories? "" "how many calories are in sushi? " "What do you think is the best diet?" "how many calories does a coke has versus diet coke?

" "If you have a disease and have to eat a special diet can the grocery receipts count as medical expense and be deducted?

Thanksgiving: A time to count our blessings, if not our calories. /Comments?

I need to know how many calories are in a can.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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