Do you ever hear about something bad happening and think, "Evil Poppet's at it again! "? Asked by Rickisgirl 49 months ago Similar questions: hear happening Evil Poppet's Amazon > Askville.
Similar questions: hear happening Evil Poppet's.
That's the first thought that comes into my head. I don't always think "Evil Poppet," though. Sometimes I think, "Trick-or-TreatPoppet's at it again."
Sometimes I think "There's that LaborDayPoppet, up to her old tricks again. " I suppose at any moment now I will start wondering if "TurkeyPoppet" has been putting grain alcohol in my houseplants and setting the gremlins loose in my closet, so that I can't find my favorite fall sweater. She has many powers, and can strike by remote control.In a way, it's comforting to know that Poppet, Which-Ever-Poppet it is we're dealing with at the moment, is the one behind all the bad things of life.
It relieves us of any personal responsibility for our misfortunes. We don't have to shake our fists at the sky, or curse the devil, or purchase magical charms and spells. Why no, we only have to say, "That darned Poppet," and go on about our business.
As someone famous once said in another context, if there wasn't already a Poppet, we would be forced to invent one. And as Flavor-of-the-MomentPoppet would say, "LOL." roseredcity's Recommendations Alphabet (Princess Poppets) Amazon List Price: $10.95 Used from: $0.42 Opposites (Princess Poppets) Amazon List Price: $10.95 Used from: $0.05 Poppet Relief Valve Poppet, Used from: $10.50 PIONEER COMPLETE COUPLING POPPET Amazon List Price: $24.74 PIONEER COMPLETE COUPLING POPPET Amazon List Price: $26.11 .
I don't think, I know! I have sucumbed to the lure of evil poppet. Now I know all!
Let me tell about life at Evil Poppet Inc. Finally, we open our doors so you can truly know what 'bad things' we do. Evil Poppet Inc is the secret corporation that funded the money for... Shrek 3 The Vista operating system Black socks worn with sandals The Y2K bug scare The continuation of the comic strip Garfield which is under contract NOT to be funny Hairy backs Dull history teachers getting tenure Cats that howl under your window at 3 am The cleaning (or lack of cleaning) of taxi cabs The career of Pauly Shore Writer's block (especially in November) Public restroom stalls without toilet paper Telemarketing calls during your dinner Neighbors that play their music so loud that you nearly wet yourself ... and many many more!
These minions are ALL on the payroll. Everyday we go to public stalls and take the paper. Every night we release those randy kitties under your window.It takes a lot of effort, but what Poppet says is law.
Welcome to the reality! Poppet pulls all the strings! Sources: Life at EP Inc.
Lady_Wolf_is_Lost's Recommendations I Love poppet Mug I Love poppet Sweatshirt You too can join the Poppet regime. Sign up today!.
I used to think that when I first started to visit Askville. Then I started to become a regular reader and poster of the POLITICS topic, and I started to think that is was all President Bush's fault, since he was the source of all evil in the entire universe. Just as I started to see that the conspiracy went a lot further than just Bush (43 and 41), Cheney, the Supreme Court, Big Oil, the multinationals and Queen Elizabeth's lap dog, Dr. Ed changed my medications.
After that I started to visit the ASKVILLE topic and I learned that it wasn't really President Bush and his host of alleged co-conspirators, nor was it Evil Poppet causing all the problems in the world, but discovered that it was the malevolent critters that run Askville. When I asked Dr. Ed about it, he mumbled something about "Questville will be here soon! " and rode off into the sunset on his pale charger.
That left me very confused. So I decided to do something relaxing, so I wandered into the SEX topic and was initially lured into a degrading form of submissiveness---Yea! Some would say that I was turned into a captive, a mere pawn!
--by this sweet smelling, sultry, redheaded seductress, clad in the skimpiest of outfits which was semi-diaphanous and suitable only for a shameless belly dancer.
--was the source of all evil, everywhere. I was almost persuaded of the merit of their position, until a book on Nixon's impeachment and resignation caught my eye. Skimming the book randomly for a few seconds, I came across the wonderful truth uttered by Ron Ziegler who explained that President Nixon's were all being caused by "sinister forces."
That's when I realized that neither Evil Poppet, nor the Bush family, et al. , and not even the redheaded vixen temptress who brings up subjects that I wouldn't want my cats to read about was at fault. No, it is these sinister forces that are the cause of all the evil in the world!
Gotta run! I'm researching some early Massachusetts history to learn more about how to spot these sinister forces. Sources: personal opinion and cited above Snow_Leopard's Recommendations BEWARE OF THE BELLY DANCER 11 oz.
White Mug Amazon List Price: $12.99 Chiffon Belly Dancing p Wrap Scarf with 3 Rows of beaded fringe and bellydance coins - Available in 3 color combinations Amazon List Price: $49.95 Chiffon Belly Dancing p Wrap Scarf with 3 Rows of beaded fringe and bellydance coins - Available in 3 color combinations, Red/Gold Amazon List Price: $49.95 "A Trade like Any Other": Female Singers and Dancers in Egypt Amazon List Price: $21.95 Used from: $11.90 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) The Compleat Belly Dancer Amazon List Price: $7.95 Used from: $2.00 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) .
Of course! Naturally, whenever I see Evil on Askville, I think to myself, "Ah, the great work of Evil Poppet and her many minions. " I know that her work is Great and touches all parts of Askville.
But it doesn’t stop there! I’m just as sure when I see these so-called "natural disasters" that her Great work has reached the world outside the Internet. Global warming?
Evil Poppet. Blustery, cold winter days cause the power to go out? Evil Poppet.
Milk and cookies at minion meetings and the monthly minion potluck? Evil Poppet, pleasing her followers. Certainly ultimately evil as we go forth and spread evil in her name.
Yes, as a loyal minion, I see Evil Poppet everywhere I go. But I am certain, completely convinced, that even were I not a minion, I would feel this way. Such is the overwhelming power of the Evil Poppet..
1 roseredcity, regarding your answer: Those widgets! Oh, my! .
Roseredcity, regarding your answer: Those widgets! Oh, my!
LOL" "I've been on vacation for the past week or so, and need to catch-up with Askville news. What's been happening here? " "Before all of you "old-timers" leave Askville in disgust at what's happening to it, can you please just say SOMETHING?" "Do all of the verterans (long timers) on Askville know what is happening to the newcomers here?
" "Do you think that the Muppets are behind all the evil things going on in Askville, not Poppet, certainly not Puppets? " "What does your name mean hear on Askville?" "What are the perks of being a Level 3 on askville? I hear there is only ONE on askville.
Com, Do you know who it is?" "..of you who may or may not know me ...I am Sharon. We built Our ASkville when a lot of bad stuff was happening.
Does anyone hear on askville have a clue?LOL.
I've been on vacation for the past week or so, and need to catch-up with Askville news. What's been happening here?
I hear there is only ONE on askville. Com, Do you know who it is?
..of you who may or may not know me ...I am Sharon. We built Our ASkville when a lot of bad stuff was happening.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.