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As with any activity involving alcohol, beer pong may cause players to become drunken or even intoxicated enough to suffer alcohol poisoning. Also, the supposed cleaning effects of the water "dunk" cup may be offset by bacteria in the cups. Some writers have mentioned beer pong as contributing to "out of control" college drinking.
Some municipalities and states have attempted to ban beer pong, either from bars or in general, due to the belief that it encourages binge drinking (see Health Effects above). In Oxford, Ohio, where Miami University is located, the city council tried to ban the game from being played outdoors,37 and in Arlington, Virginia1 and Champaign-Urbana, Illinois38 bar owners were told to stop allowing the game to be played in their establishments. In the fall of 2007, Georgetown University officially banned all beer pong paraphernalia, such as custom-built tables and the possession of many ping-pong balls.
Time magazine ran an article on July 31, 2008 called "The War Against Beer Pong", noting legal restrictions and bans on the game in college and elsewhere. In many states, players have taken to placing water in cups in order to hold organized beer pong tournaments legally in bars. Some examples of this can be found in Michigan, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.
Beer pong tournaments are held in the United States at the local, regional, and national levels. The World Series of Beer Pong (WSOBP), hosted by, is the largest beer pong tournament in the world. WSOBP IV, held in January 2009 at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, had a $50,000 grand prize and attracted over 800 participants from the US and Canada.
40 WSOBP V, held in 8-240, attracted over 1,000 participants, and attracted teams from Ireland, Scotland, Germany and Japan, each of which voiced their aspirations to further the sport in their home countries. The World Beer Pong Tour has stops in various cities and cash prizes as well. A more common organization of beer pong games are leagues which operate on a local or regional level.
Ordinarily, a group of pong enthusiasts will create teams (partnerships) and play weekly against each other. Sometimes, the leagues have websites, rankings and statistics,42 while others have been started by college students with the goal of intramural competition such as at University of California, Santa Barbara with the "Isla Vista Beer Pong League",43 and at New York University. In 2012 the first UK Beer Pong League was formed, originating from Suffolk, England.
This consisted of an 8 month season in which a league and 2 knock out trophies were contested. Teams played once a week, with 3 points awarded for a win, the most points after 20 games played took the league title with trophies also available for top scorer & most game winning shots. The Wall Street Journal, Time and other media outlets have reported on the increase in businesses selling beer pong paraphernalia, such as tables, mats, cups, or clothes.
245 Last Cup: Road to the World Series of Beer Pong46 is a documentary which follows some competitive players as they prepare for the WSOBP II and ultimately compete against one another for the $20,000 grand prize. This documentary, directed by Dan Lindsay, premiered at the CineVegas film festival on June 13, 2008. WSOBP V attracted further media attention, with writers from Maxim magazine and ESPN The Magazine attending, and it was featured on The Jay Leno Show on January 8, 2010, and also on G4's Attack of the Show!
Rick Reilly wrote an entire column about The World Series of Beer Pong IV for ESPN The Magazine. The Associated Press cited the game and other drinking games as a factor in deaths of college students. Time magazine recently had an article on the popularity of beer pong45 and posted a video on their website.
49 In both, players claimed beer pong was a sport, rather than a game—similar to billiards and darts. The game has been a recurring segment on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, with host Fallon playing against female celebrity guests such as Betty White, Serena Williams, Anna Kournikova, Charlize Theron and Jessica Alba. The Colbert Report featured a segment on the CDC study hoax.
Road Trip: Beer Pong, a sequel to the 2000 comedy Road Trip, featured the game prominently. Agnes Scott College, where most of the movie was filmed, did not want to be listed in the credits after complaints from students. Characters in other TV shows have played it as well, such as Greek, Weeds, and Dave Attell and Bree Olson on the series premiere of Tosh.0.
In the movie Beerfest, they had the original version of beer pong with paddles in it. Also they had the non paddle version, calling it Beirut. Beer pong is also referred to in the song "I Like It Like That" by Hot Chelle Rae in the bridge of the song.
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas has a scene where Harold is seen playing Beer Pong as a challenge at a party. A scene in the 2012 comedy Project X has an adult play beer pong with the high schooler partygoers. On August 29, 2009, Chronicle Books published The Book of Beer Pong, a 200 page fully illustrated guide to the game.
Bud pong was the branded version of beer pong that brewer Anheuser-Busch said involved the drinking of water, not Budweiser or any other beer. In the summer of 2005, the company began marketing "bud pong" kits to its distributors. Katz, vice president for communications and consumer affairs, was reported in The New York Times as saying that bud pong was not intended for underage drinkers because promotions were held in bars, not on campuses.
And it did not promote binge drinking, she said, because official rules call for water to be used, not beer. The New York Times quoted a bartender at a club near Clemson University as saying she had worked at several bud pong events and had "never seen anyone playing with water. It's always beer.
Some expressed incredulity at Anheuser-Busch's public statements. Henry Wechsler, director of the College Alcohol Study at the Harvard Scho "Why would alcohol companies promote games that involve drinking water?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.