Do you have a funny pet story that you can share?

I know some will think this is silly, but almost everyone loves a funny pet story. Any pet--dog, cat, rabbit, etc.Asked by Mic 54 months ago Similar questions: funny pet story share Pets.

I think anyone with a pet has one, here's one of my favorites. First, let me set up the situation. I have a very large black cat.(15lbs or so, not fat, just large) At the time I was living with a roommate, her son and her cat.

Her son was a baby, so we had the Schwann's guy drop by so she could buy mixed veggies and other stuff from him. Well, one night the guy was there. He would sit in a chair and chat while my roommate looked through the catalog and made her selections.

My cat strolls up, flops down, rolls onto his back and grabs this guy's shoe--claws out--and proceeds to lick the bottom of the man's shoe vigorously. We were mortified. The guy was afraid to move and I had to physically remove the claws from his shoes and drag the cat away.

I locked him in my room for the rest of the visit. The Schwann's guy said he must have stepped in something that had spilled..

This is funny now.. but wasn't at the time.. Back when my wife and I though we were haunted.. we were up late talking about the days events and talking about ghosts and spirits and general ooga booga spirutal suff. It was around 2 or 3 a.m. (my wife and I sometimes talk far too late into the night).Anyway... as we were talking we heard what sounded like someone shaking a paper bag rapidly... it was really loud and violent.

By the time I got my wits.. we heard Godot.. our youngest cat.. making this whirring noise (mind you the bag noise is continuing as well..) So I get to the living room and he's caught on one of those speciality bags.. (basically a paper bag with corrugated cardboard handles that work as string) He somehow caught himself in it (most likely he attacked it head on.. and caught the ropey part around his head and tried to escape butno matter how fast he would run it would always be right behind him making that god awful racket. The poor little guy ran so hard he tore one side of the bag comepletely out.. When we finally caught him... and we had to catch him.. he we scared to death and had urinated himself... By the time we finished washing and drying him... he was back to his normal self... So now.. if my wife brings home pastries or anything that comes in a paper bag with the the hoopie cardboard string handles.. I make sure to cut them... THE CULPRIT Sources: personal experience...

Iguanas... they like to roam This isn't exactly funny as in haha... more funny as in interesting... I have an iguana that I adopted about 6 months ago, and we generally let him sit unattended in our back yard because he needs the sun and likes to graze on the plants. Well, yesterday my son took him out, but instead of leaving him out back were there is plenty for him to do, took him out front. As often happens when he is out back he was totally forgotten about.

A couple hours later my wife decided she would check on him.... and he was gone. She didn't panic since he tends to hide quite well. Well after looking everywhere she could think of, that is when she panicked.

She called me at work, and the best I could do way say that I would search for him when I got home... and search I did! I talked to all my neighbors, had some out searching with me, drove all over the neighborhood looking for him... was totally at a loss.... So, one of my friends was spotted looking all over by a police officer, and (I'm guessing since he looked rather suspicious searching around like that) approached him to ask him what was going on. My friend told the officer that he was looking for an iguana.

The officer replied that they had received an iguana call a few hours earlier. He said it as if it were a common occurrence. I got the contact info of the person who made the call, called him, and it turns out he saved Igor (the iguana) from being whacked with a shovel.As he was on his way to a meeting he left it at someone's house... Anywho... the ramblings could go on, but Igor ended up home safe and sound, and is now grounded indefinitely!


I have one... But I've never told it in writing before so I'm not sure how it will read. It might be a better story told live. Well, here goes: When I was a teenager we had 11 cats.

A neighbor's cat decided to move in with us, so that made it 12. One of the original 11 cats (Tiger), had been blinded in a fight but was amazingly accurate at chasing Pumpkin (cat #12) all over our large yard, around hedges, up trees, etc. One day we were sitting in the basement watching television, when we heard cat claws scratching across the hardwood floor in the living room, along with some cat yowling. A few seconds after that, Pumpkin came racing down the basement stairs, with Tiger right on his heels.

Pumpkin veered off at the last second to avoid the cinder block wall but Tiger was going so fast that he ran right up the wall instead. He stopped right at the ceiling and realized his predicament; delicately lifting a paw to see if he could climb down with his dignity intact. After rolling on the floor for a moment and howling with laughter, I went over and extracted him.

Poor kitty...

1 sepllcehck, regarding your answer "This is funny now.. but wasn't at the time..":My youngest cat does that with plastic bags! I don't know how she gets in there, but the handle gets caught around her hips and she tears around the house until it comes off or I catch her and take it off. (which usually involves me getting bitten) .

Sepllcehck, regarding your answer "This is funny now.. but wasn't at the time..":My youngest cat does that with plastic bags! I don't know how she gets in there, but the handle gets caught around her hips and she tears around the house until it comes off or I catch her and take it off. (which usually involves me getting bitten).

Please share a story or two. " "If adopting a pet is a better idea, what will happen to all the pets in the pet store?" "Share a funny true story that happened during your divorce" "Do you have a favorite funny poem? Share, please.

" "A funny email that I just had to share." "Does anyone have any funny cooking blunders that they would like to share? " "Have any funny commercial clips to share?

A very funny Blonde joke to share with you.

Share a funny true story that happened during your divorce.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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