Do you think if I added some source of caffeine to a tea plant the caffeine will carry over to when I make the tea?

IM in J.A.S junior academy of science and this is what IM doing my project on Asked by person666 38 months ago Similar questions: added source caffeine tea plant carry make Food & Drink > Drink.

Similar questions: added source caffeine tea plant carry make.

No. Caffeine will not be absorbed by the tea plant. Plants can only absorb nutrients, and caffeine is not a nutrient.

I saw that you got no answers to your question, which is a bummer, so I wanted to say "" and Welcome to Askville. I hope you stay and ask another question soon! Goldie .

1 There is actually more caffine in tea than in coffee, I'll leave you to figure out the rest .

There is actually more caffine in tea than in coffee, I'll leave you to figure out the rest.

3 If I recall from my junior high science class, caffeine made plants grow really weirdly - they were all stunted and warped.

If I recall from my junior high science class, caffeine made plants grow really weirdly - they were all stunted and warped.

4 We don't do homework...and drink some green tea to see how caffiene works with tea.

We don't do homework...and drink some green tea to see how caffiene works with tea.

How does oxidation increase caffeine content?" "I know that some teas are diuretic, as is caffeine. But is decaffinated chai tea a diuretic? " "How much caffeine is in white tea vs. green tea vs. black tea vs. coffee?" "Does cold weather make you crave caffeine?

" "Is there caffeine in Lipton Iced Tea mix? " "Can caffeine have a paradoxical effect, and actually make you less alert?

I know that some teas are diuretic, as is caffeine. But is decaffinated chai tea a diuretic?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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