It's my solid belief that re-gifting is extremely tacky. It's like screaming: "Thanks for the gift, but I really don't appreciate it. " So, no, re-gifting is a definite no-no in my book, and if I ever find out one of my friends actually re-gifted one of the gifts I gave, I would be really mad at him/her.
I even findit horrible that apparently this has become regular enough for it to have an actual word invented for it...
I do not think re-gifting is necessarily tacky OR classy. I have re-gifted lots of times, but NEVER in a way where it could get back to the person who gave me the original gift. (that would be tacky!) Also, I never let the person who gave me the gift have any indication that I dislike it in anyway.
I thank them regardless, and I am truly grateful for their thoughtfulness. However, I get lots of gifts that I don't need or even necessarily want. Seriously, how many bottles of perfume and lotion can one girl use?
:) So, instead of letting things go to waste, I will re-gift them, sometimes combining multiple unwanted gifts into a new gift basket. Also, I have "re-gifted" a lot of things to nursing home residents who greatly appreciate them.
I would not say it is "classy" because re-gifting kind of implies that you gave someone something that you had already. You didn't go out shopping with that person in mind to get them something special to them. I wouldn't call it tacky either.
After all, the first person had the fun of picking out the present and giving it to me. Now it belongs to me, right? So if I have no use for it, I don't see what's "tacky" about giving it to someone who can appreciate it.
The only thing that might possibly make it "tacky" would be if I pretended I put a lot of thought into it. I tell the truth when I re-gift, I say something like "My aunt Karen gave me this sweater, and I'd really never wear it, could you use it? Do you know someone it would fit?Etc.
Re -gifting is a good idea as long as it is not back to the same person.
I don't see it either way. (though doubt I'd call it classy) If you didn't like the gift, but know someone who would, why not? (but if just to 'pass the buck', thats a bit tacky).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.