Do you think the Maya so called doomsday prediction on 21 Dec 2012 is true?

I figure since most of the bad things on my credit report come off in 2013 it must be true.

No, although I believe the Mayans were crazy smart folks.

I'm with the naysayers. Folks who try to predict the future are usually wrong. I say have the party anyway, perhaps an early holiday bash where you tell your friends and family you love them.

No, I don't! It's just one more doomsday scenario cooked up by the mayan equivalent of fundamentalists. Still, just in case, I'll be partying on the 20th like there is no tomorrow.

Where? I'll find somewhere between now an then.

Nope. I think the Mayan calendars may have just happened to run out then. For example, supposing there were aliens investigating Earth in the 80's, they may have believed we expected the end of the world in the year 2000 because our computers weren't all set up to go beyond 2000.

See this article

LOL and the party ain't at my house I m cheap!

Nope. Partly because I already have my own religious leanings, and partly because I've investigated this for a hub I recently published. The Mayan's believed that the world has been created and destroyed three times at the end of the 13th B'ak'tan, but that it was only after a fourth world had been created that they found it worthy to place man upon.As I understand, the ancient Mayan's would have seen the existence of man as evidence that the world would not be destroyed.

However, it would still be a cause for celebration, so there will probably be a few parties going on anyways.

There are many sides to a story. We must always remember that the concept of "end of the world" does not necessarily mean ending because an ending could be a new beginning. It could be a restart or a start of new collective consciousness, a world with no dependence to oil or no more of the nonsense wars.

That's just one positive way of looking at it. Try looking up Terence McKenna. He does have some interesting views on it related to the psychoactive substance DMT that is found in some plants and at the same time in our brains.

That thing was covered on television and in the newspapers relentlessly as the "Y2K Bug". Warnings that your electricity, telephones, and other utilities might be rendered useless were everywhere. People rushed to the grocery store and stocked up.

Folks loaded their guns waiting for the looting to begin. Guess what I did.....I bought two tickets to the nicest dinner and concert venue in town, booked a 5-star downtown hotel, and took my wife out for the best New Years Eve date ever. The streets were emptier than I had ever seen them before on New Years, and that meant no waiting.

The next afternoon when we arrived back at our house, the light switch worked, the telephone had messages on it, and my computer fired up like normal. The short answer to your question; no, the world won't end on 12-21-2012, but I do believe someday man will destroy the planet. Stocking up on groceries will make little difference though, when that day comes it's just over.

The best advice is to live your life like everyrday could be the last.

I doubt it. I remember when people were going nuts because they thought that all electronics would stop working in the year 2000, and all hell was going to break loose. According to the nuts, we were going to loose power, and anything electronic would fail to work because of some idiotic computerized clock not knowing what to do when it came time to change the year to 00.

I worked at a grocery store, and we had people hording food, water, gasoline, generators, and flashlights. People were buying crap so fast, we couldn't keep it on the shelves. And, all I could do was laugh at them.

I mean what are you going to do with 32 gallons of water if the world doesn't end? And, if the world is going to end, why do you think you need it? We even had people fighting over cans of spam...SPAM!

If you wanted to see how stupid people can be, you should have been at our store on December 31, 1999. It was insanity!

Well many people still believe it will happen. But I believe that it will not happen, because its a slim to none chance. No one would want to die in a disaster.

One of those "know one knows for sure". I believe the world will end as we know it....when is the million dollar questions and the answer would be worth much, much more. A good rule to live by is to simply live as there is no tomorrow and treat others the way you would like to be treated.

No, I don't but Larry Tarkesian's parents are leaving town for a week on the morning of the 20th and he's throwing a massive party!

I think that it's not doomsday so much as a largely acquired alteration in human consciousness. I think it's the next turn of the wheel of time as far as people go. Tarot has the Tower card, which represents a complete upheaval in order to start over.It's about as literal as the Death card, in that it's just a representative of complete change, not a literal destruction of everything we know and hold dear.

Perhaps there will be a lesson that might go down in history, so that we can evolve though.

I hope not, my birthday is the 23rd and I want presents. :).

It is not true. It's just something the world has evolved to publish in humans mind to follow some evil or yet unknown purposes. Don't believe at that, just be the best you can, wherever, whenever :).

My 8th grade teacher gave us an assignment to prove that we existed. It is my contention that even if the world no longer existed that most people wouldn't even notice. Because most don't have enough discernment to tell the truth from a lie.

Oh and who is this person or book that predicts this? Does the book state its author like most books?

I don't believe it. The main reason I don't is because that's when I'm supposed to graduate from college!

I highly doubt it. Plus it can happen at any point or time. It could be happening... RIGHT NOW *runs outside.

The calendar is very accurate becuase the 'Long Count" is based on the earth precession. I have a video that I've made that fast-forwards every 56 years to show you what it means. The North Star was not always where it is today right smack dab in the center with a 1/2 a degree rotation.

Besides there is NO WAY we can says 2012 equals Mayan/Aztec because of the Julian calendar and the present one we used first started off without a ZERO in the number system. Check it out! the Milankovitch cycle says that we are supposed to be in a mini-ice-age right now ..... Thank god for global warming!

For those visual people - here's the link to the video

Lot of people believe in doomsday because, small part of their heart want to die and die in a spectacular situation..but I personally don't believe in doomsday.

Actually the truth is two folds.1. Doomsday - its true, it will happen2. Date of doomsday - its not exact.

The Mayans did not use calendars that we use these days therefore to understand their dates we need a conversion. And, that conversion is not 100% accurate. Because of this inability to accurately calculate Maya dates we can't predict that 21-dec-2012 is dooms day.

Not at One of the dumbest rumors other then aliens visiting earth.

No, and as far as I know most modern day Maya don't believe its a doomsday prophecy at all. The whole 2012 thing is driven by con-men who use pseudoscience to con the paranoid and superstitious out of money on books, DVDs and other products related to 2012.

There are three possible disasters that could happen in 2012.1. The Greens could win power here in Australia in their own right2. The Clintons could re-take the White House3. The biggest disaster of all... NZ could win more medals than Australia at the London Olympics!

Since we are coming out of the age of rational consciousness and moving further into an emergence of higher consciousness and an integral ecological ethic, I believe that when ever it happens it certainly can be "in the blink of an eye" and most likely will bring humanity into a new era of awareness and spirituality. I for one will find myself a nice high perch somewhere above the clouds and far from any cultural centers, maybe up the Blue Ridge really, cosmologically speaking, things are happening out there in the Milky Way and beyond that could very well cause some disturbance of the obliquity of the ecliptic (tilt of the Earth in the plane of its rotation) which could be due for a flippin' and there could be great Earth changes such as climate, tectonic activity, sunami, etc...But complete destruction...I don't think so...I've just retired from my state job and am finishing up my grad degree...I am free and I have hopes for my future...but I'm just gonna keep making the minimum payments on my credit cards, just in case!

No I think they meant a change not an end, plus... it seems the world is going to end every now and then, I do not want to disregard anyone beliefs but please do not fall for this you may think is harmless but if you believe the world is going to end in less than a year you may start to put off your goals and dreams, please look up for the future ;).

Nope. People are scaring themselves silly :).

Yes! Of Course it's not true... oh wait maybe I should have said no. :) Sorry No one had outright said yes yet.

Yep its totally true. REASON: because evry other prediction came true. Hahaha il be available on the 22nd.

Any lady fancy a date then?

No, but it is a good reason to have a party! That way if it does happen, we can all be to drunk to notice!

Maya prediction is true but the way that it is interpreted was totally wrong. It is just a new phase of life getting started, an evolution of higher consciousness. The world ain't going to end so soon.So shop for your Christmas and enjoy your new year eve party.

I didn't hear about that but I would think so they know when they plan to kill us out. This may be our warning. However they said we was to end a few times now like we got the gov playing god.

Just live with faith and behave cause we will go someday.

No I think the only thing the mayans wanted to do is to have some cost cutting so to remove the man who was incharge of making this calendar and all decided to take a break and so announced the last date i. S 21/12/2012 .............................. don't worry folks it was a hoax created by media to promote the movie2012 and even if the earth was going to be destroyed it won't happen until io have graduated........ i. E in the year

No , I don't believe it . Doomsday prediction has become big moneymaking business now . And I think the hubber community is very intelligent and nobody here literally believes it.

What I have to say is am sick and tired of people and so called prophets calling up dates for this and dates for that 2012 is the end of the world etc. I most definitely believe in GOD and that the world must come to an end. But the way this world is heading we aint got long here! My GOD aint no fool either to let anyone know when he's coming because everyone will get prepared.

He is coming as a thief in the night. To ketch wicked people who continue to live vile and have no regards for m with their pants down. TRUST ME LIVE A GOOD LIVE, DO RIGHT AND PLEASE GOD and if dooms day is in the morning you'll know where you stand.

Nope, no one knows really. Just carry on life as per normal on the 20th Dec 2012 then for me.

Hehehe! I beg to disagree :> I verily believe only God is omniscient. He is all knowing and no one can compare to m :> We as human beings do not really have the capability to tell the future more so the end of the world.

I wish it does not come true. But hey, I wanna be prepared if it does.... like why not call upon God to wipe out all our sins, and if there is no God, than let us enjoy to the extremes. I will still love to celebrate for the ingenuity of Maya, which helped us think on this topic.....and rafken too.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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