Godaddy offers automated upload and setup, but I've never tried it.. Here's manually, see for more info.. First, download wordpress. Don't try to use 2.8 its still buggy. Get 2.7.1 its stable.
How GoDaddy should be set up: Linux hosting. (WP will not perform nicely on Windows hosting) PHP 5 (some will disagree-but thats another question) set up MySql database using Hosting Control center -write down your username and password cut and paste your MySQL Database Information into a text file on your desktop (will look like this-your info will be different) "Status:Setup Host Name:wordpressdb.db.6547831.hostedresource. Com Database Name:wordpressdb Database Version:5.0 Description:wordsdescribingblog User Name:usernamegoeshere " use a decent ftp program (like filezilla) to upload all your wordpress files.
You can get your ftp name and password setup in the Godaddy Hosting Control Center as well. There are two different ways to begin: automatically: the first time you access the site, it will ask you your blog name, host name etc. It will say Database Host normally won't need to be changed but it does with GD.. cut and paste the info from the text file you created into the boxes.. here's a example:
Make sure and change it. If that doesn't help, PM me and I'll be happy to help you.
Godaddy offers automated upload and setup, but I've never tried it.. Here's manually, see for more info.. First, download wordpress. Don't try to use 2.8 its still buggy. Get 2.7.1 its stable.
How GoDaddy should be set up: Linux hosting. (WP will not perform nicely on Windows hosting) PHP 5 (some will disagree-but thats another question) set up MySql database using Hosting Control center -write down your username and password cut and paste your MySQL Database Information into a text file on your desktop (will look like this-your info will be different) "Status:Setup Host Name:wordpressdb.db.6547831.hostedresource. Com Database Name:wordpressdb Database Version:5.0 Description:wordsdescribingblog User Name:usernamegoeshere " use a decent ftp program (like filezilla) to upload all your wordpress files.
You can get your ftp name and password setup in the Godaddy Hosting Control Center as well. There are two different ways to begin: automatically: the first time you access the site, it will ask you your blog name, host name etc. It will say Database Host normally won't need to be changed but it does with GD.. cut and paste the info from the text file you created into the boxes.. here's a example:
Make sure and change it. If that doesn't help, PM me and I'll be happy to help you...
Godaddy offers automated upload and setup, but I've never tried it.. Here's manually, see for more info.. First, download wordpress. Don't try to use 2.8 its still buggy. Get 2.7.1 its stable.
How GoDaddy should be set up: Linux hosting. (WP will not perform nicely on Windows hosting) PHP 5 (some will disagree-but thats another question) set up MySql database using Hosting Control center -write down your username and password cut and paste your MySQL Database Information into a text file on your desktop (will look like this-your info will be different) "Status:Setup Host Database Name:wordpressdb Database Version:5.0 Description:wordsdescribingblog User Name:usernamegoeshere " use a decent ftp program (like filezilla) to upload all your wordpress files. You can get your ftp name and password setup in the Godaddy Hosting Control Center as well.
There are two different ways to begin: automatically: the first time you access the site, it will ask you your blog name, host name etc. it will say Database Host normally won't need to be changed but it does with GD.. cut and paste the info from the text file you created into the boxes.. here's a example: experience with godaddy and wordpress. First, download wordpress. Don't try to use 2.8 its still buggy.
Get 2.7.1 its stable. Use a decent ftp program (like filezilla) to upload all your wordpress files. You can get your ftp name and password setup in the Godaddy Hosting Control Center as well.
Or by changing the wp-config file which is what wordpress recommends, but I've always thought the other way was easier. The main problem I had was the Database Host. Make sure and change it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.