Does Anyone Know If There Are Prescription Interactions With The Acai Berry Supplement?

P>Painkillers and cancer drugs are the two types of medicines that are mentioned at WebMD. More information about Acai (Acai Berry, Seed, Pulp):Side effects. When eaten as a food, acai seems to be safe.

Since they have not been well-studied, the typical side effects of acai supplements are not known.Risks. It’s possible that acai may trigger or worsen swelling, high blood pressure, ulcers, or intestinal bleeding. Acai should not be used by anyone who’s getting an MRI unless a doctor recommends it.Interactions.

If you take any medicines regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using acai supplements. They could interact with over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and other NSAID painkillers, as well as prescription medicines for pain. Don’t take acai if you’re taking cancer drugs, since it could block their effectiveness.

Don’t use acai along with other antioxidant supplements without your doctor’s approval. When acai berries are eaten as food, they appear safe. But given the lack of evidence about the safety of acai supplements, they are not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Painkillers and cancer drugs are the two types of medicines that are mentioned at WebMD. More information about Acai (Acai Berry, Seed, Pulp):Side effects. When eaten as a food, acai seems to be safe.

Since they have not been well-studied, the typical side effects of acai supplements are not known.Risks. It’s possible that acai may trigger or worsen swelling, high blood pressure, ulcers, or intestinal bleeding. Acai should not be used by anyone who’s getting an MRI unless a doctor recommends it.Interactions.

If you take any medicines regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using acai supplements. They could interact with over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen and other NSAID painkillers, as well as prescription medicines for pain. Don’t take acai if you’re taking cancer drugs, since it could block their effectiveness.

Don’t use acai along with other antioxidant supplements without your doctor’s approval. When acai berries are eaten as food, they appear safe. But given the lack of evidence about the safety of acai supplements, they are not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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