Does anyone know of any foods that don't contain any milk or soy (soy oil okay) products in them? Please help?

Please help. I'm lactose intolerant (very, very intolerant) and sometimes even lactaid doesn't help.As for the soy, I miss Chinese food very much. Please help.

Life is miserable living it like this. Especially since I can't have any of my favorite foods anymore like pizza, chocolate, Chinese, Italian, etc. It's torture. I can't even have breads with these ingredients in them.So no more pancakes either.

It's torture! Please help! Asked by Flying13 49 months ago Similar questions: foods milk soy oil products help Food & Drink > Food.

Similar questions: foods milk soy oil products help.

For chocolate I like chocolate, but most chocolate will contain soy lechithin in them, soy lechithin is used an emulsifying agent. The ones that don't contain it are the following Lindt Excellent bars, check the nutritional info to be sure. Michel cluizel chocolates, and if you have a le pain quotidien european chain bakery near you (located in nyc, and la, etc.) they have the house brand chocolate that shouldn't contain it, check label to be sure.

As for pancakes, try potato pancakes as a substitute. For crepes, rice crepes are nice, indian cuisine has rice crepes called idli. The foods you mention, especially chinese, i'm assuming you eat out a lot?

Because if you cook in, you can make chinese food the way you like it. Sorry that wasn't too helpful, but I dn't know what city you are in to offer more suggestions..

Here's a recipe you might try... to help quell the pancake urge... Oatmeal Banana Waffles... 2 cups oatmeal 2 cups water 2 tbl maple or other syrup or honey 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp salt 1 large banana. Whirl in blender or food processor until smooth, pour into a hot waffle iron, and bake for 10 minutes. These are terrific, and they freeze very very well and can be popped into the toaster.

I make quadruple batches for the freezer. I also use the "More with Less Cookbook's" Master Baking Mix recipe to make "bisquik" type mix, and we make milk and soyless pancakes with it--we add a cup of oatmeal to the cup and a half of baking mix, use water to bring it to the right consistency, and go with it. They're not light and fluffy, but they're tasty!

Another possibility is to look at what you could do with sourdough. While many sourdough instructins claim milk is necessary, it isn't--a water, flour, and yeast sourdough is perfectly fine, and you could use it to lighten pancakes, too--lots of recipes out there for that. Avoiding Soy in chinese food is hard, but you could do stir-fries at home that would come close.

Rice wine and sesame oil help with the flavors, as does that hot chili oil. Keep your chin up! I don't envy you--I'd be missing the same things you are!

Sources: Persnal experience, personal opinion NancyE's Recommendations More-With-Less Cookbook (World Community Cookbook) Amazon List Price: $13.99 Used from: $8.93 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 71 reviews) When I make their baking mix (DOn't have the recipe here, unfortunately, but I'd be happy to find it if you want it), I don't add the shortening--it's a completely fat-free dry mix.

If you are just lastose intolerant, you should be able to take an enzyme supplement that will allow to eat some. Milk related products, you may need to take two pills. It won’t hurt.

You can make your own Chinese foods without the soy sauce. Many type of Chinese food do not have soy sauce, but most Chinese food on the US is from southern China (Canton, Fukien, Hong Kong) and they use soy a lot. Chinese fried rice: Use day old rice, stir fry in hot oil with garlic, a tiny amount of ginger and white pepper.

Remove to a bowl. Stir fry your vegetables and if you want, your meat. Remove to the bowl.

Stir fry some eggs you previously whipped with some white pepper and lemon juice (just a few drops). Let it hit the hot oil and puff up, then break up and add everything back into the pan. Mix well.

This is Shanghai style. The meat can be chicken (cut into small pieces), small shrimp, small pieces of Chinese sweet sausage, chopped pork, or a combination. Italian: My favorite: Spaghetti with white clam sauce.

Pasta primavera: Start your pasta cooking and add frozen vegetables (peas, carrots, lima beans, broccoli, etc. ). As soon as the pasta is cooked, remove from heat and rinse briefly in cold water. Make sauce from mayonnaise, white pepper, garlic powder, chopped cooked garlic (or even better, roasted garlic), paprika (and enough water to get it thinner if you don’t like it thick).

If you want you can add a little Parmesan cheese. Mix in well with the pasta and veggies. Almost pizza: Start with a plain matzo, thinly spread your pizza sauce and cover with pepperoni or sausage (pre-cooked), mushrooms etc. Pop in a toaster over and heat.

Try mexican & health food stores My brother, who has severe milk allergies (milk spilled on him once and he landed in the hospital) has had great success with Tex/Mex cuisine -- you just have to skip the sour cream and cheese. He enjoys chili, tacos, and even burritos from Chipotle. He ate a lot of chicken growing up since he also has beef,egg, and shellfish allergies so there are a million recipes out there that fit your needs -- I know my mom got some from an allergy association web site when he was younger.

We used to make a simple pancake recipe for him involving only flour, salt, water, and maybe baking powder. You may also want to try your local stores health food stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's for prepared foods. My brother has found numerous things to eat there that are free of milk -- including chocolate chip cookies!.

You can do it any soy is bad. This includes soy oil also. I do not eat dairy-grains-sugar.

I thaught i’d given myself a real dull life by giving these up. I eat salads with venison-raw fruit and raw veggies. I also eat fish that I catch in the north atlantic.

I have boundless energy and work in the woods every day. ( logger ) I have been on this diet for about 10 years. I gave up one thing at a time so I wasn’t over whelmed with it all.

Beleive me it is worth doing. (73 years young) sources: much research-mercola. Com .

HELP! " "Is soy milk better for you than regular milk?" "which restaurants(Beaverton, OR) might serve PURE Vegetarian(milk products OK) food without onion/garlic. " "Can you please tell me about alternatives to cows milk?

; i.e. Nut milks, Soy Milks, etc.

Which restaurants(Beaverton, OR) might serve PURE Vegetarian(milk products OK) food without onion/garlic.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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