I loved Clue, Risk, Monopoly...the usual. But I grew up playing my mother's board games that consisted of Tycoon and Park N Shop. I love those old games.
Growing up, I even had Waltons board game in my generation. Do miss any of those? Enjoy playing them?
Still collect/own them? Asked by jm0405 18 months ago Similar questions: play miss vintage board games Games & Leisure > Board Games.
Similar questions: play miss vintage board games.
Games In my house, I have Scarbble, Monopoly, Yahtee, Clue, Guess Who, Scatgories, Pictionary, Risk, Bingo and Dominos. I still love playing games! .
I miss them exactly because I don't get to play them. I'd love to be able to play Risk with people, or even Clue. Monopoly is fun, and we do play that on rare occasion (tho they always insist on including the national lottery that is "free parking.") Basically, my family thinks of themselves as too busy for more than a card game or two.
I love board games and I miss them a lot I bought the DVD Clue game for my Grandson and none of us could figure out how to play it even with the directions LOL it was so funny we read the directions over and over and it kept going back to the same thing and then someone else would say here let me try and it would do the same darn thing give me the original or give me death LOL just kidding but my gosh I think I got a defective game .
1 I actually have a lot of games. Play with my younger cousins. But then moved across town.
I have 15 to 20 games. I love Pictionary, Sorry, Boggle, Scrabble. Sorry to say hubby does not play games.
Will not humor me. SO I have not in awhile.
I actually have a lot of games. Play with my younger cousins. But then moved across town.
I have 15 to 20 games. I love Pictionary, Sorry, Boggle, Scrabble. Sorry to say hubby does not play games.
Will not humor me. SO I have not in awhile.
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I am looking for educational board games (that are fun) to have for my After School Program grades 4th - 6th.
Looking For Old Board Games From The early 70's.
I'm looking for new board games heavy on social interaction and/or trading mechanics.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.