Luke & Laura returned to GH in 1993, with their son, Lucky. In 1998, Lucky found out about how his father, Luke, had raped his mom. He was disgusted by this fact, and was estranged from his parents for several months.
Luke and Laura grew further and further apart, and got divorced in 2000. In 2002 Laura killed her stepfather, Rick Webber, during a psychotic episode. She became catatonic and was placed in a mental hospital.In 2006, Dr. Robin Scorpio used an experimental drug to bring Laura out of her catatonic state.
However, while Laura was in the mental hospital, Luke had married Tracy Quartermaine. On November 16, 2006, Luke & Laura re-married - however, the minister was actually an actor hired by Luke (he couldn't marry Laura because he was still married to Tracy). On November 22, 2006, Laura relapsed back into catatonia.
Luke & Laura returned to GH in 1993, with their son, Lucky. In 1998, Lucky found out about how his father, Luke, had raped his mom. He was disgusted by this fact, and was estranged from his parents for several months.
Luke and Laura grew further and further apart, and got divorced in 2000. In 2002 Laura killed her stepfather, Rick Webber, during a psychotic episode. She became catatonic and was placed in a mental hospital.
In 2006, Dr. Robin Scorpio used an experimental drug to bring Laura out of her catatonic state. However, while Laura was in the mental hospital, Luke had married Tracy Quartermaine. On November 16, 2006, Luke & Laura re-married - however, the minister was actually an actor hired by Luke (he couldn't marry Laura because he was still married to Tracy).
On November 22, 2006, Laura relapsed back into catatonia. Luke & Laura returned to GH in 1993, with their son, Lucky. In 1998, Lucky found out about how his father, Luke, had raped his mom.
He was disgusted by this fact, and was estranged from his parents for several months. Luke and Laura grew further and further apart, and got divorced in 2000. In 2002 Laura killed her stepfather, Rick Webber, during a psychotic episode.
She became catatonic and was placed in a mental hospital. In 2006, Dr. Robin Scorpio used an experimental drug to bring Laura out of her catatonic state. However, while Laura was in the mental hospital, Luke had married Tracy Quartermaine.
On November 16, 2006, Luke & Laura re-married - however, the minister was actually an actor hired by Luke (he couldn't marry Laura because he was still married to Tracy). On November 22, 2006, Laura relapsed back into catatonia.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.