Driving with Cell phones - Is is me, or is every other driver preoccupied with their phone and not driving?

I was driving through downtown Austin, Texas, I-35 (parking lot) and it seemed 50% of the people were on the phone. Recent studies have shown that people on the phone are more likley to get into an accident then someone who is legally drunk.As the traffic cleared, and we got going, these same people are still in the fast lane, Friday evening, 5:45pm, I'm trying to get home and they are on the phone going 50mph still in the fast lane. I'm a poster child for road rage, and they just don't have a clue and are not being considerate to others.

This could go on about the whole thing about drivers eating, on phones, and a hundred other things they are doing except driving! Is it me, or is everyone being dangerous and not being safe drivers? Asked by Scarecrow 51 months ago Similar questions: Driving Cell phones driver preoccupied phone driving Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Similar questions: Driving Cell phones driver preoccupied phone driving.

Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Not everyone, but about 50%, yes Recently, I was waiting at a red light on a busy street at rush hour, headed toward the freeway. I could clearly see the drivers of 14 vehicles (I drive a car, but SUVs are tall so I could see in), and 7 of them were on the phone. I don’t consider myself a good enough driver to talk on the phone while driving, so I have to wait until I park to pull out my phone.(That’s slightly disingenuous - I don’t consider anyone else that good, either.) I’m completely on your side, and wish other drivers would put away the distractions and stop endangering others.

Csaba Csere (editor of Car & Driver) wrote a wonderful article on how to be a good driver, in Feb.2004: Pay attention to your driving. Set driving as your top mental priority when you are behind the steering wheel, allocating more brain power to it than to any conversation with your passengers, your favorite song on the radio, the details of your next appointment/date/athletic competition/whatever, or the meal you are consuming in your lap. Drivers who do this ... will drive as if they had a destination in mind, knew where it was, and actually cared about getting there in a timely fashion.

Sources: caranddriver.com/columns/7652/honk-if-yo... .

You are Absolutely Correct I don’t know about the laws in Texas, but here in NY State it is against the law to speak on your cell phone, unless you are using a hands free device where you can talk, like you are on speaker phone. The first time you get a ticket it will cost you $100.00, and it can go up to $500.00 after you have been caught more than one time. No, it is not you, I see it all the time.

Last week, a lady did not stop for a stop sign, I don't think she ever seen it. I had to slam my brakes on or I would have hit her. She did not even acknowledge me, she looks at me and smiles.

I have seen people eating big mac's, etc, not even having their hands on the steering wheel. Even putting make up on, it is very frustating to me, because I have been driving more than 40 years, and never had an accident, not even a fender bender. I know there are several other things drivers do, that are very dangerous, but you know what they are.It really aggravates me, (like you said) when you are trying to get home, and somebody is in the passing lane, doing 50 MPH, where the speed limit is 60 or more and they are just gabbing away on there phone, having no clue or consideration for the other drivers.

I think when they get a ticket they should be made to go to a refresher course, and learn how to turn off their cell phones! Good Luck.. Sources: Experience..

No it's not you Almost everyone I see in North Jersey, where I live, is on a cell phone, eating, or putting on their makeup. And I frankly don't think a headset makes it any safer.....they are still focused on the conversation and not the drive. In my humble opinion, most of us don't have THIS many conversations that are so time sensitive.

They can easily wait until we're grounded. I think the ability to be on the phone ALL the time makes us feel important; like our friends, family or colleagues can't go an hour without connecting with us. It's just egotism.....

AMEN! Yes, too many drivers out there are far too occupied with things other than driving. Cell phone usage is ridiculous these days, but here in Ohio, police are starting to crack down.

The suburbs are now pulling drivers over to warn them about the hazards of such behavior! I have to tell you that I was in the fast lane just last week, when I had to hit my brakes for some idiot driving 45 miles an hour on the interstate, because he was shaving with an electric razor! All I could do was shake my head at him when I passed him!

I don't think people realize how dangerous they are sometimes! The other thing that really irks me, and my mother does this all of the time, is when people stop, yes stop, when they go to merge onto the freeway....aghhhhhh, how frustrating! I begin to question if driving classes are still required to obtain a driver's license!.

Can't wait until July 2008 When in California it will be ILLEGAL to drive without a headset. I swear here in this state, they are all so retarded talking on their phone while driving 70 or 80, no turn signals....no nothing. If you can't afford a bluetooth....don't get a phone!.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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