Feminists, Do you get more offended when men or women hate women?

1) Women supported feminism while it was giving women the rights of equality. Now they are abandoning it because they are being given the responsibilities, the burdens, and the accountabilities of equality....and they don't want to give up female privileges to get male privileges (they want them both), nor do they want to give up their exemptions from male responsibilities, burdens, or being held to the same level of accountability men are. 2) Women are realizing that feminism harmed women more than men ever could have.

Men aren't less willing to marry them; men are less tolerant of them taking extended time off to start family, be housewives, raise children, etc; women are expected to pay their own way; women are expected to pull their own weight, men care less about women than they ever did before; and so on. Men are starting to treat women like actual equals (i.e. Like other men) more and less like women.

Men are simply abandoning their gender role and responsibilities to women as women have already done. 3) More women are waking up to the fact that feminist theory, actions, and agenda can't be defended. They are a hate group against men, and they are lying, bigoted, hypocrites.

Less and less women want to be linked to feminist's hate of men. 4) So, yes, many woman are trying to compromise now and give men something they value back in order to try and repair the damage feminism has done to them, and stop feminist and angry men from pushing the other side of equality (responsibility, accountability, burdens) on them. Women still want a lot from men, but don't have much outside of sex anymore to sell them.

Lots of feminisms seems to revolve around almost sort of the opposite: i.e. Slut-shaming and complaining about attractive women getting preferential treatment (they'll call it being treated as "sex objects"). It's not exactly fair to paint anyone with a broad brush like that.

Feminism, just like organizations dealing with race have serious business they attend to, but those usually are not the ones screaming like a pack of wolves on the internet. Many just want laws to be written and implemented fairly, and make sure wives aren't being beaten. Stuff like that.

Then you have the ones that complain about Kim Kardashian wearing a bikini, and how making sex comments is soooooo bad. They clearly just want someone to find them attractive. Much like the guys who complain about "jocks" as if anyone cared about these labels past High School.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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